Not Registered on Network


hello guys can someone direct what's the problem here. My father has this bsnl sim but whenever he tries to make a call with the sim it says not registered on network , due to this he cannot even receive otps. This issue did not occur in his old phone recently he switched to a new one which constantly shows low network and this issue.
Don't know whether products like these help, also about the legality in Indian context:
illegal to install in india
hello guys can someone direct what's the problem here. My father has this bsnl sim but whenever he tries to make a call with the sim it says not registered on network , due to this he cannot even receive otps. This issue did not occur in his old phone recently he switched to a new one which constantly shows low network and this issue.
try changing the sim once please
Sometimes phone goes into sleep mode or something and loses connection with network tower even after its awake. This can happen almost everyday and usually you just need to turn on airplane mode and off. Also you mentioned it is showing low network. Is it just for his sim/phone or can you like switch out the sim and check with your sim and vice-versa. If the problem is with the sim then you have to go to their stores.
illegal to install in india

try changing the sim once please
he has a airtel in the same phone which works good , planning to change the bsnl sim to a newer bsnl sim with same number , as it is too old ( had to physically cut the sim to make it nano that old )maybe thats the issue ?
Sometimes phone goes into sleep mode or something and loses connection with network tower even after its awake. This can happen almost everyday and usually you just need to turn on airplane mode and off. Also you mentioned it is showing low network. Is it just for his sim/phone or can you like switch out the sim and check with your sim and vice-versa. If the problem is with the sim then you have to go to their stores.
regarding airplane mode done that but no results , tried restarting the phone too , planning to go to a bsnl store
hello guys can someone direct what's the problem here. My father has this bsnl sim but whenever he tries to make a call with the sim it says not registered on network , due to this he cannot even receive otps. This issue did not occur in his old phone recently he switched to a new one which constantly shows low network and this issue.
Were you able to resolve the issue. If yes, what was the problem