Graphic Cards Nvidia at work on combined CPU with graphic


Insanely Awesome!!
WE MANAGED to confirm that Nvidia has started to develop a CPU.
Charlie wrote about the interesting implications of Nvidia's good fortune in acquiring some folk from Stexar, a company that was known for its X86 marchitectural expertise.

And now we hear that development is underway at Nvidia's just-announced Portland, Oregon, Design Center, where chip folk are beaving away on 45 nanometre designs.

The project should bear fruit sometime in 2008, as Nvidia prepares plans to compete with Intel and AMD on the blended graphic and CPU concept.

This is what OEMs want in 2008. Sixty-five or 45 nanometre processes make this possible and AMD and Intel are going to do it, so Nvidia doesn’t have much choice.

It seems Nvidia might remain a feisty player in the years to come, unless someone fanatically swallows it.

Things are certainly heating up

Nvidia at work on combined CPU with graphic
thexfactor said:
Things are certainly heating up
Given the rate at which Nvidia's Gpu's generate heat, it certainly sounds true:bleh:
After multiple GPU's and Multiple CPU's , it will be multiple PSU's :rofl:
one for the 8800, one for the proccy, and one for the rest of the pc :lol:
Think there must be some truth to the story since that's the path AMD and ATi are set to follow, no other option for Nvidia.

Lower fabrication with insane no. of transistors packed ... so it returns to where it was ... ... look at the 8800's specs ...

Ya that's right but I dont expect ATi to fare any better at this :)
yeah, in the GPU battle, where the winner is decided on performance alone, maybe its a good strategy, but in the CPU front , now that the focus has shifted from pure performance to performance per Watt, i doubt if the same approach can be any useful:huh:
^^but these companies are going to focus on gamers for whom all round performance is more important than performance per watt...
No one cares jack about power consumption. The fact that core 2 cpus are power efficient is a bonus. A fabless CPU maker though :S. Seems highly unlikely :p.
with ATI and AMD (now one) breathin down their back i guess its some kind of strategy by nvidia ... i dont think its gonna work out though :|

A fabless CPU maker though . Seems highly unlikely .

very true :p
Chaos said:
No one cares jack about power consumption. The fact that core 2 cpus are power efficient is a bonus. A fabless CPU maker though :S. Seems highly unlikely :p.

Well, so far all the fabless CPU makers were all low end , and trying to gatecrash the AMD-INTEL party on the basis of price/performance/power consumption. Nvidia , on the other hand, by virtue of ATI getting invited to the party, has the same rights to :D 'already has a very solid customer base, and those who , like you just said , care neither for power consumption, and largely insensitive to cost if performance is greater.In addition, If nvidia makes a high performance chipset/CPU/GPU combo, people will be lining up to buy them, for the same reason as AMD/ATI.They already get along making GPU's without a fab, so wh not CPU's:huh:. but I have to admit that AMD/ATI stands a good chance of beating them though, if it comes to that .. AMD having fabs n all :ashamed:
People wont care how they do it as long as they do it right... If nVidia makes a good CPU which can compete with Intel and AMD and people will buy it. nVidia has enough brand recognition for that.
KingKrool said:
Ever heard of Sun, which makes the most scalable servers on the face of the planet? Each individual chip is generally pathetic, but still... and they are fabless.

The difference here is that Sun addresses a completely different market, where volumes are low and margins are high and established players are few. PC market is a completely different animal. If NV has to make CPUs in the consumer space, it needs to have volumes to stay competitive or else its gonna offer very poor Price/Performance and no one will even look at them and for decent volumes, you'd need a fab unless again you are a bottom feeder making 1$ chips like VIA.

Also forgot to mention... GPUs are made by VLSI tools. High performance CPUs on the other hand are completely designed by hand right down to the last detail. The amount of R&D and resources required are a lot higher than what is needed to make GPUs.
I agree with your points... but it IS possible to make a business without fabs IF you have the right supplier (read IBM). Then you can manage. As for design tools, there are a bunch of things the CPU guys do too... but yes it is more intensive than GPU development which is pretty tame. The GPU guys are taking tried and tested architecural technologies (vector pipelines, etc) and just adding more and more of them on a chip... not entirely unchallenging, but not as innovative as CPU development.
greenhorn said:
Given the rate at which Nvidia's Gpu's generate heat, it certainly sounds true:bleh:
After multiple GPU's and Multiple CPU's , it will be multiple PSU's :rofl:
one for the 8800, one for the proccy, and one for the rest of the pc :lol:

i thought all the upcomming processor is more energy efficent.
why cant nvidia find a energy efficent Gpu , while intel has did on its c2d.