Nvidia stereoscopic driver broken in SLI


Nvidia stereoscopic driver broken in SLI
NVIDIA has another problem with its SLI driver. We reported about one of the problemshere and already we have a new bug to report about.

We heard that someone at Nvidia leaked a 73.00 driver that is fixing widescreen problem and you can get it at www.3dchipsets.com. Good job.

Nvidia 3Dstereo is also broken in SLI mode. When you turn this feature on and want to render in stereo, one card will create the stereo image while the second card will render proper 3D screen. It means the bottom of the screen is not rendered with a 3D image and you won't be able to enjoy your 3D glasses. Second card is plain 3D, not stereo and won't look good through 3D shutter glasses.

SLI definitely has horsepower to run stereoscopic images, we remember the marchitecture from days of TNT 2 Ultra cards which were powerful enough for games of that time and stereoscopic. You can see stereoscopy in every Imax cinema, that’s the principle of work. It indeed looks cool.

We've heard that Nvidia has confirmed the problembut we are waiting from Nvidia to get back to us on this. I am sure that it can and will fix it.
