PC Peripherals NZXT Gamma with HD 6950 2gb

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I am thinking of getting NZXT Gamma and from info I've found on the net, it can fit a 10.5 inch long card. The problem is, I'm thinking of taking a HD 6950 2gb card within the month and its 275 mm ~ 10.84 inches long.
Does anyone know if the card will fit in the cabinet? Or should I go for CM 430 elite?
Go for the NZXT Gamma it should fit if you remove the front HDD bays which come in the way the Cooler Master ELITE series doesn't hold a candle to the NZXT Gamma primarily because they are more for looks + very bad airflow structure. I put my two chips on the NZXT on the Gamma wait for others to pitch :).
Nor sure if this helps, but the CM Elite 370 I have is the worst case in the whole world.

Except it has two side fans that cool a graphics card very well indeed, one of the only budget (under 2.5K) cases to do so.

Of course the flimsy side panels and shoddy layout make you want to scream in frustration (you can't use either of the two top blowholes with 25mm fans because they hit the memory clips on 99% of motherboards).

And it'll take the 6950 no problems. It's supposed to accommodate a 5970. However with heavy hardware it will flex while moving around. I have a VX450 in there with three hard drives, a heavy CPU heatsink and integrated graphics, and the dam thing actually bends in the middle when I pick it up. And you can't get the side panels on smoothly as they are curved like the surface of the earth and don't line up correctly unless you use your whole arm. Not pretty.
when you say remove, do you mean they are detachable or ill have to get it cut or somethin?

btw thanks for helpin
its fits. totally forgot abt this thread.

Sorry i saw your thread just today otherwise i would have helped you if i would have seen this thread the day when you had created it... BTW did you buy NZXT Gamma along with HD6950?
Hades. said:
Sorry i saw your thread just today otherwise i would have helped you if i would have seen this thread the day when you had created it... BTW did you buy NZXT Gamma along with HD6950?
Yup took a risk and got HD6950 from US(14k at that time) and at the same time bought NZXT Gamma from ITwares some 4 months ago and . Luckily it fit just fine.
Just put my query in this thread bcoz I dont want to start a new thread for yes/no answer......

I hav installed CM Hyper 212+ on my Q6600 and everything is fine except for the CPU cooler is so big for my circle cabinet tht it wont close now! The 212+ cooper ends r poking out of the cabby....

So will my setup fit perfectly in the NZXT Gamma????
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