PC Peripherals NZXT - Guardian RB 921 - Where to get repairs / replacement (outside warranty)

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Hi All,

I have NZXT Guardian RB921 cabinet whose Front Panel LED & Temp Sensors not working (probably have got shorted) I tried checkign with primeABGB but they have asked to drop a mail but they are not sure if the panel can be replaced. As usual theITwares from whom I purchased the cabinet has turned out to be hopeless.

So anyone has any idea if this can be fixed ?

How old is it?

Is it under warranty period? Try to drop a mail to NZXT (direct) and see how they respond.

My friend got a front I / O panel shipped from America / Germany for his NZXT Tempest EVO but his cabinet was new (not more than 2 months old) at that time.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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