No this thread is not about weak performance of oblivion...:hap5:
I Installed Oblivion on my machine yesterday and booted it up. It checked my graphics card and told me that its defaulting to ultra high quality mode. I selected resolution as 1680 x 1050 32 Bit. HDR was on and AA was off and all other settings enabled in launcher. Only options off were the grass shadows and some other similar ones.
I was expecting more like 40~50 FPS. The game started and every thing was going at 60+ FPS without a hitch. In the outdoor scenes it was like 50+ FPS.
So thought I would enable AA too. I quit the game and tried to the 2x AA setting. First surprise here. It told me that both AA and HDR cannot be enabled at the same time. 1900XT should be supporting this combo right ?. so anyway it changed HDR to Bloom and I selected 6x AA. It ran at 60+ FPS most of the time. Dropped to 40+ range some times, but it was overall smooth.
What kind of performance do you people get in Oblivion? I didnt understand why its not allowing HDR+AA on my 1900XT? Also even without that combo, the FPS was more than I expected. Regarding the visuals in this game, I felt that the graphics were good but not that mind blogging either. Is there some thing I am missing here? :huh:

I Installed Oblivion on my machine yesterday and booted it up. It checked my graphics card and told me that its defaulting to ultra high quality mode. I selected resolution as 1680 x 1050 32 Bit. HDR was on and AA was off and all other settings enabled in launcher. Only options off were the grass shadows and some other similar ones.
I was expecting more like 40~50 FPS. The game started and every thing was going at 60+ FPS without a hitch. In the outdoor scenes it was like 50+ FPS.
So thought I would enable AA too. I quit the game and tried to the 2x AA setting. First surprise here. It told me that both AA and HDR cannot be enabled at the same time. 1900XT should be supporting this combo right ?. so anyway it changed HDR to Bloom and I selected 6x AA. It ran at 60+ FPS most of the time. Dropped to 40+ range some times, but it was overall smooth.
What kind of performance do you people get in Oblivion? I didnt understand why its not allowing HDR+AA on my 1900XT? Also even without that combo, the FPS was more than I expected. Regarding the visuals in this game, I felt that the graphics were good but not that mind blogging either. Is there some thing I am missing here? :huh: