PC Peripherals OC accidents anyone ??

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with so much OCing going around...accidents are bound to happen.
post on..burnt processors, ram, or any other molten stuff found inside your cabinet, white smoke,..that smell....hmmmm :ohyeah:
welll...i am lucky still...

but was meddling the mobo with the comp on with a nose plier...heheh...busted mobo :(

ocing...lol....i blew 2 CCFL inverters due to a crappy PSU and very high 12V voltage....thats it....
once while OCing i guess i went a bit too far and had to clear/reset C-MOS.. i must haven't grounded myself yet i guess (i was flying high u see ;) ) and that perhaps triggered some static charges to bust the BIOS chip.
I have been more careful to "ground" myself since then..
same thing happened to one of my cousin's rig, was changing the PSU to oc better coz the voltages were not right and it didnt turn on after that, found out that bios got busted... :D

hey speaking of this, is this repairable?
Rave said:
same thing happened to one of my cousin's rig, was changing the PSU to oc better coz the voltages were not right and it didnt turn on after that, found out that bios got busted... :D
hey speaking of this, is this repairable?
if the bios chip is socketed , then just "hot flash" another equivalent bios chip in another m/b , with ur m/b bios file, and insert that flashed chip in ur m/b.
for hotflashing . kindly use google. it will save me lots of typing and you will get better and more precise info.
if the bios chip is not socketed then desoldering and soldering on the m/b will be required. can be done by any mobile phone mod / repair shop cheaply.
ps: rave , are you sure and have confirmed that the existing bios chip is damaged.??? meaning you cannot reflash it ??
i havent tried anything on it untill now, that stupid guy gave it to a so cal hardware tecnitian and he inturn is doing something to that mobo, god knows what...

will follow ur suggestion and will post further details in a new thread.. Thanx for ur help deejay :)
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