Graphic Cards Occasional Issue With Display

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I have R9 270X installed in my system. Runs peachy. No issues even when I am playing Civ V, Tomb Raider 2013, Fallout 4 etc. But that's only when system boots without any issue.

Sometimes, system starts and there's no display. At all. But the PC boots without any other issue. Only problem is there's no display.

I can take remote of PC from laptop and I can use it without any issue. In fact, I am right now using the remote desktop from laptop while the display of my PC refuses to show anything other than the message 'Entering Power Save Mode'. Display is Dell U2312HM.

Any help would be appreciated.
So ur display output is not working. Try removing and re inserting graphics card. And also the power cable to ur card and ur cable cable connecting card and monitor . .if still not working, most probably ur display out cable or ur card is damaged . .try another out cable ,then ur card in other PC to find out which one's damaged
If you're using an HDMI cable then remove it & put it properly especially in the gpu site. Sometimes it becomes loose or try with a different HDMI cable. If it didn't work try with a DVI cable. If you can use it from laptop then gpu is probably fine.
Had the same problem. It was a loose hdmi connection lol
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