Warning to all TE members planning to buy the above RAM. The new OCZ Pt rev 2 sticks (yeah the ultra cheap 180$ 2-2-2 sticks) that you all blindly believed is TCCD is actually TCC5. So They are 5ns chips and not 4ns chips like the older ones. Its believed that they'd do 2-2-2 @200MHz but in general clock really crappily as compared to the original TCCD. Some sticks are doing well but rmr that these are not the same sticks as the TCCD... they are rated slower by samsung! So those of you dreaming of getting cheap TCCD and running it 1:1 may strike OCZ platinum rev2.0 off their buy lists. Seems like TCCD stocks are running out sooner than expected!
Here is a long thread on it.
No wonder the price of those sticks dropped so drastically
Here is a long thread on it.
No wonder the price of those sticks dropped so drastically