PC Peripherals Of PSU, UPS, PFC and Sine wave

Can anyone recommend a good 750 watts gpu ?
I recently got hold of a asus tuf 3070 oc and ill need to upgrade my psu for it
My Rig is :
Ryzen 7 1600
msi x370 gaming plus
16gb gskill ram

Id want a good psu as its a one time investment prefereably modular
any suggestions would be really helpful
Antec HCG750
Can anyone recommend a good 750 watts gpu ?
I recently got hold of a asus tuf 3070 oc and ill need to upgrade my psu for it
My Rig is :
Ryzen 7 1600
msi x370 gaming plus
16gb gskill ram

Id want a good psu as its a one time investment prefereably modular
any suggestions would be really helpful
Corsair RM 750 gold plus is a very good option around 9000.
Thanks I just baught it today I just had one question along with my rig I have 2 2tb hdd 2 x 250gb sata ssd 1 x 2tb sata ssd 7 120mm fans and now the new beast 3070.. Hope 750 watss is enough
Ohhh no, not at all. 750 is more than enough, esp. because its gold certified. As long as you are not aiming for maximum efficiency at 50% of total load, you are fine.
I need a suggestion for psu what to select my specs are :
Ryzen 5 3600 , msi b450 pro vdh, 16gb gskill ram, 1 1 tb harddisk , 1 250gb nvme ssd , 1 250gb ssd sata 3 , 4 argb cabinet fans and Rtx 3060ti FE
I was researching into this very topic right before building my PC, which led me to this answer on stackexchange which is perhaps the most detailed and clear documentation you can find online.

Initially called up APC customer care but the service was pathetic, and after lots of delays they had suggested a 23k UPS from the "Smart" lineup as the usual ones are all step approximated sine wave.

Finally decided on the Microtek E2 series which solved all my issues and offered pure sine wave UPS with all of the features of APC but at just 12k (offline price with dealer). Been a year of usage and its been great so far
Hi, I'm in the market for a good pure sine wave UPS for my PC. I already have a pure sine wave home inverter/ups hooked up for the home. (This model: https://www.apc.com/in/en/product/BI850SINE/apc-backups-bi-850va-home-ups-sine-wave-output/)

My gaming PC has a Corsair RM1000x because I have a RTX3090FE and AMD 5900x, so I need a lot of juice. Any suggestions? I am looking for the best pure sine wave UPS in India for this set-up. I would need something more that 850w, because I will be connecting my Acer Predator 27-inch 4K monitor as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe this is the wrong thread but I have a problem with my setup and any help would be appreciated.
I have an APC RS 600 which is hooked on a plug powered by my old ass inverter(not pure sine wave). Whenever I lose main power one of 2 things happen.

1. The ups switches to the inverter output and continues to work normally. This usually happens when the load on it is low, mostly when I'm not using my GPU.

2. The ups starts to beep and expend its own battery after which it switches off, but then can be turned back on. Ive noticed that if I constantly turn my switch(for the plug the ups is connected to) on and off, it sometimes, again uses the inverter output even under max load. This is very wierd to me as I have not been able to come up with a reason for it.
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Monitor the voltage which the INVERTER is giving out while there is no electricity.
Thats the culprit.
The inverter voltage will drop too low and the UPS would kick in to supply the voltage.
Inverter works when total electricity is out, UPS starts when there is low voltage even.
BTW. 14 years and I am still here posting. I need to get a life.
Hi, I'm in the market for a good pure sine wave UPS for my PC. I already have a pure sine wave home inverter/ups hooked up for the home. (This model: https://www.apc.com/in/en/product/BI850SINE/apc-backups-bi-850va-home-ups-sine-wave-output/)

My gaming PC has a Corsair RM1000x because I have a RTX3090FE and AMD 5900x, so I need a lot of juice. Any suggestions? I am looking for the best pure sine wave UPS in India for this set-up. I would need something more that 850w, because I will be connecting my Acer Predator 27-inch 4K monitor as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wow I have similar requirement but I am bamboozeled that nobody has replied to this post at all...
Also I am looking for a recommendation to buy a better inverter for 1 KVa, As Luminous is being given a better review around net, but I want more info on this from all your experience and usage! thanks in advance!

I had a sukam inverter, 600 va, the company doesn't exist any more, it's been 12 years working fine, now all of a sudden I am getting some odd strange sounds within 2 hours of backup supply, there is no problem with the battery though, inverter usually gives 8 hours of backup.. so I am looking to buy a new inverter..
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pure sine wave ups are generally available as always on-line.. not meant for home use.. these are aimed at high availability datacenter assets. i believe this kind of ups shouldnt ever be switched off at the mains, because if there isnt enough charge in the battery the ups wont cycle power.. so you would be laboring a 30 minute ups warmup cycle before you are able to start your pc..
i have been using offline ups systems from APC with active PFC psus and there hasnt ever been an issue with the computer switching off inadvertently during unexpected power loss , it has also been able to service power requirements in a brown out situation
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Hello everyone, I'm making a build with Adata XP4 750 W 80+ Gold PSU with Zotac 4070Ti GPU in it. I've 2 monitors BENQ EL2870U - Power (Max) 55 W and BENQ PD2705Q - Power (Max) 155 W also in the build. Please suggest some UPS which can hold the charge for 2-3 mins before shutdown. Also can anyone tell which thread has the Windows 10 Pro Key seller in it? I recall browsing through that sometime ago but can seem to find it now.

The below is the UPS im currently looking at:
Hello everyone, I'm making a build with Adata XP4 750 W 80+ Gold PSU with Zotac 4070Ti GPU in it. I've 2 monitors BENQ EL2870U - Power (Max) 55 W and BENQ PD2705Q - Power (Max) 155 W also in the build. Please suggest some UPS which can hold the charge for 2-3 mins before shutdown. Also can anyone tell which thread has the Windows 10 Pro Key seller in it? I recall browsing through that sometime ago but can seem to find it now.

The below is the UPS im currently looking at:
Quick suggestion regarding the UPS bit; If you can, try to test the UPS with full load of your system. What the numbers indicate and what UPS can actually handle are two different things. Another thing to keep in mind is battery deterioration i.e. a new UPS might be able to a handle a system while the same UPS can start giving you problems after a few months. Finally, You should go for a bigger UPS capacity (1200 watts).
8 to 9 k for rmx models, rme will be cheaper. RM850e is around 10k.
any idea whats the difference between rm and rmx is?
some people are saying only difference is in type/no of cables.
some are saying japanese caps.
i have gotten a new rm model instead of an txm (both 650 W)
wanted to know if it was a considerable upgrade over the old one
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any idea whats the difference between rm and rmx is?
some people are saying only difference is in type/no of cables.
some are saying japanese caps.
i have gotten a new rm model instead of an txm (both 650 W)
wanted to know if it was a considerable upgrade over the old one
RMX is what is sold here. RM mostly same! RM was original Series first brought to the market! Now we have RM, RMe, RMx!