Officially official: Windows 7 goes on sale October 22nd

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Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday announced the date the latest version of the Windows operating system, Windows 7, will be in general commercial availability: Oct. 22.

The milestone comes amid intense pressure on the world's largest software maker to reverse its perceived missteps with Windows 7's predecessor, Vista, and as evidence mounts that computer makers are increasingly considering alternatives to its ubiquitous operating system.

^^It would be costlier than WinVista I read this in Arstechinca :P

Good I am still waiting for Rc1 :P Will get it from frnd..

By the time Win7 comes out Ubuntu and other distro have released newer version and hopefully moblin would be done till Oct. too :D
+1 to this.damn if it costs more then vista i am seriously going to stick to XP.tried Vista had lots of problem huh.bad move move by MS.

shaunak said:
Bad move. Really BAD move.

Wont give up my XP then.
Aniruddh said:
+1 to this.damn if it costs more then vista i am seriously going to stick to XP.tried Vista had lots of problem huh.bad move move by MS.

Seriously...I dont know even a single home user who has paid to upgrade his perfectly working OS (XP to Vista or whatever). You guys should be a rare species :hap2:
PaulBarber said:
Seriously...I dont know even a single home user who has paid to upgrade his perfectly working OS (XP to Vista or whatever). You guys should be a rare species :hap2:

You might not have heard, but know loads of them who pay the software and use it (yeah, in India).

linuxtechie said:
You might not have heard, but know loads of them who pay the software and use it (yeah, in India).


I sure know of people who paid for their copies of XP/Vista (not just the OEM ones - full retail copies). What I was saying is - I dont know any home user (non-corporate) who paid for an OS upgrade - well , good to know such people exist!!

I would surely feel pissed off if I had paid for an XP to Vista upgrade.
PaulBarber said:
I sure know of people who paid for their copies of XP/Vista (not just the OEM ones - full retail copies). What I was saying is - I dont know any home user (non-corporate) who paid for an OS upgrade - well , good to know such people exist!!

I would surely feel pissed off if I had paid for an XP to Vista upgrade.

Ok I forgot to mention home users. The license is bought to have peace of mind with upgrade.

^^ my point was that it's hardly an upgrade - so if anyone has a perfectly working (licensed) copy of XP, there is absolutely no incentive for him to pay and get a new OS.

But if someone wants to do that and is willing to pay for it, M$ would be mighty happy :D
PaulBarber said:
I would surely feel pissed off if I had paid for an XP to Vista upgrade.

So what you mean to say if you boughht Crysis you should get a Crysis 2 free ?

You want something new you pay for it if your happy with your old os be happy.
^^ Oh my god. If u want Crysis 2, just pay for it. If u have XP and u want Vista, pay for it. I never asked anyone to give anything for free.

I would have felt pissed because I dont see much value in paying for Vista when I have a working copy of XP; so given a choice I wouldn't upgrade.

If you see the value in upgrading, by all means, do upgrade. Nobody's stopping you.
PaulBarber said:
I sure know of people who paid for their copies of XP/Vista (not just the OEM ones - full retail copies). What I was saying is - I dont know any home user (non-corporate) who paid for an OS upgrade - well , good to know such people exist!!

I would surely feel pissed off if I had paid for an XP to Vista upgrade.

^+1 .......

sachin1 said:
is this true that win 7 demands more than xp for playing games?

any suggestions for this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^?
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