Ohhh no ............ Not again !!!!

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Was planning to go to Goa On 26th,dropped the plan..

Thanx god i read this Thread...

I am taking a 1 week office leave,dont wanna risk....LOL
I hope AMD reads this news and launches FX finally before 26th sept :S Atleast my wish will come true before dying... :ohyeah:

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Date Location Alignment Distance Magnitude

February 27, 2010 Pelluhue, Chile Elenin-Earth-Sun 6.04 AU 8.8

September 4, 2010 Christchurch, NZ Elenin-Sun-Earth 6.26 AU 7.2

March 11, 2011 Tohoku, Japan Elenin-Earth-Sun 2.16 AU 9.0
Also guys, even in worst case scenario if by any chance it happened . do not use your mobile phone for calling, instead send SMS as it requires 5000% less bandwidth and even in situations like this it will work flawlessly.
Man that's scary what if indeed something catastrophic happens ? what if the passing planet nebiru consists of inhabitants who have been planning an invasion on earth and they were waiting all this while just for this opportunity so that they dont need to spend their time and energy on building big ass rocket ships instead spend it all on building kick ass weaponry?.you know what id prefer this to your usual roland emirich style apocalypse anyday :P.
Just incase if it happens, that's the time people going to realize they cannot eat money.

sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II using Tapatalk Pro
godlikeproductions forums should not be taken seriously imo. My brother is majoring in astrophysics (unlike a business lalu like me) and he just says one thing when anyone talks about Nibiru/Elenin causing earthquakes on earth, if its big enough to have an impact on earth from so far away, why aren't the orbits of outer planets messed up?

In any case we'll see in a week, hopefully no big EQ's happen.
max_demon said:
Also guys, even in worst case scenario if by any chance it happened . do not use your mobile phone for calling, instead send SMS as it requires 5000% less bandwidth and even in situations like this it will work flawlessly.
yeah for sure mate
when i am stuck in a pile of rubble, i am just gonna flip out my cellphone and start to type a lengthy SMS
Right! :lol:
it has surly been disaster for me in office on 26th, and on top of that no bus service since last 10 days(telangana Band, the guy can't provide/come to me with my special stuff :P )
i was counting on that one had a dead line on that date wanted to get it postponed FOREVER

but bummer nothing happened earth is such a boring place

Tried that idea, Not very popular with the ladies it seems :D

Oh well, Another end of world will come soon , Will try then huh fellas? ;)
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