Storage Solutions OMG !! Broke the SATA data connector on HDD - FIXED !!


Whilst doing some work in the case my little finger hit the SATA connector on a Hitachi 250GB SATA HDD and it snapped right off..... first I cried .... then I looked closely and found that the plastic part of the SATA connector from the HDD had totally snapped off and was stuck in the Cable .... after trying out the HDD by just inserting the now bare metal pins on the HDD into the SATA Cable I found that it worked FINE :O ... so I have put some Super Glue all around the broken connector and now the HDD has a permanent Cable.

The drive works perfectly. The connection is quite firm with the Super Glue.

......GOODBYE WARRANTY !! :( ... err... where is the short cut to the TE Market section :D


Looks like u drilled some holes in the hdd tray, i was wondering how come my HDD tray has only 4 holes totally :p
damn it looks similar to the frying one on my hdd....but i was luky i burnt the power one and it was hitahi so using the pata type ps plug on it.......but still thinking whether to claim warranty or not.....
Eazy said:
DATA = no problem

I have everything mirrored onto another HDD and another HDD and another HDD ... had it that way for years.:D

lol ... I can vouch for that :) ... anyway good recovery in the end and nice job with the hdd tray :p
zhopudey said:
You must have one strong little finger :D

NO MAN !! I did not use force - it was slight pressure only - dont understand how so little force broke the connector - unless it was already half broken. :( Actually at that moment I was removing the 8800 GTS card and had to use force to remove the power connector from the card and my finger happened to graze against the SATA connector. If I have so much strength in my little finger think what power I must have in other parts of my body :p

@Shakensoul .. very funnnny :tongue:

@Saiyan ... YUP ... me got a swiss cheese tray..... more holes than tray .... keeps the HDDs cool :)
its nice the way u have written the incident,me too cry's when something i love breaks off,mostly Hdd or Optical Drive Related

End of the day ur Experience got u thru !!
Eazy take it to hitachi... They will change the connector for a minimum charge... Mostly 500 Bucks and it will be as good as new :D...

I remember managing to break IDE pins of a samsung hdd and then samsung repaired it for 500 bucks...

ohhh BTW this should be in the mods section... Ghetto Mod :eek:hyeah:...
Switch said:
take it to hitachi... They will change the connector for a minimum charge... Mostly 500 Bucks and it will be as good as new...

THANKS for this tip - will talk to the supplier and see what can be done... I feel it does not really require to be repaired - it is working absolutely fine...

On second thought .... I have some sensitive data on this HDD and would rather destroy it then give it for repairs .... I will give it for repairs only if I successfully run KILLDISK on it and wipe it clean.
I Know what did Eazy was look a his new u120 heat and heatsink on gpu and then boom


Eazy when it got off u have sent back to company to recover WARRANTY.

Don't know if they take it or not
Phewww..Close call..ehh? ;)

But seriously Eazy..High time you made a Photography guide/tutorial..The pics you take with that A400 are just too good!! :hap2:
PriyoBan said:
Damn dude... wat are all those pock marks on it? Did u attack it in ur grief or summin?

:huh: there are no pock marks on the HDD - must be on your Monitor :)

If you refer to marks on the HDD tray that must have been made during the process of air-conditioning the tray - it was very difficult to hold down whilst I was using a drill/hack saw/file on it - I do not have a work bench - had to do the work on the floor :(

@gaganjain .... Nai Yar ... I am 100% sure warranty over on this HDD as damage was done by me :(

@AMD4Life .... its really no big deal.... all you have to do is make sure that the camera is very steady whilst taking the picture. Any camera can take good pictures.