Storage Solutions OMG !! Broke the SATA data connector on HDD - FIXED !!

Seagate refused.

One local service /repairs guy says he can desolder the entire connector plastic part, and replace it with another one. (Power + data).

What say guys do u thin it'll work or should i stick to the "easy" way?
sTALKEr said:
stick it back as carefully as possible and go back to seagate.

tell em you got bad sectors.


:p u shud've told thie earlier. Now i had quite a discussion with the follks there, even said that the Hitachi peeps replaced the disks. So they know me n my disk well by now.

But will try sending younger bro there. This does sound like a good trick. repworthy :p
sarang bribe them.....theyll accept them...have tried this luk in physical damage for samsung and hitachi drive earlier......500-750 buks....but make sure u talk to a person rather than 2 ppls.....
apollyon said:

:ashamed: :ashamed: too much pr0n. typos goin heywire too.


mods please take care of the quote. sorry for the negligence.

@morgoth: hmm, that sounds good too. Never thought of it. Tomorrow lemme try both the tricks.

@appo: the guy who said could do it, has a shop just after the Z bridge towards peth. Forgot the name. He claims he can do it.
take the piece.. then slowly stick it back in position and clean edges .. :p and cross your fingers and hope the HDD doesnt get detected

muhahah :D

then send bro or friend or w/e on monday for replacement
