Onboard LAN issue


I have an Asus K8v mobo with onboard LAN, sometime back the comp was infected by Netsky virus, and now on my LAN I Cannot repair the connection from its GUI. It gives some error Arp cache could not be cleared..

Also tranfer speeds are really slow via LAN, through crosscrimped with a Laptop I am able to download stuff at 2 MBPS via DC ++ but upload does not go above 100 kbps. Also from the laptop I can ping my comp, but from my comp cant ping the laptop, no AV or firewalls installed on either of the comps.
I assume you have assigned a IP address to the NIC,thats obvious actually since you have a network between two clients running.
Start>run>cmd>ping "IP address assigned to the NIC"
Paste the output here.

Also for measuring network throughput use IPerf
1. I tried the command to clear the arp cache and it seemed to work. But yet I cant repair the connection from the network icon.
2. @ Digen I get request timed out.
Ahha mate this is not a sure shot way of troubleshooting but pinging a network card which has been assigned a IP address statically normally should yield echo replies back.
Replies mean that the network card is responding to the requests made.Dont count me on this but I'm afraid you may have issues with onboard LAN here.Or on other words your onboard LAN may have gone kaput due to some reasons.
I would suggest disable onboard lan from the BIOS & put in a old or a lend-from-a-friend card into a free PCI slot & see if the problem still exists.10/100 NIC's dont cost much do they.
Below is a output after pinging NIC assigned IP address.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
I don't necessarily agree. Once, when I did a dirty reinstall of XP, most of my network/dialup connections disappeared, and while some worked, I could not change settings for them. As usual, do you have access to a linux live cd? Or any other OS via a multiboot system?
Hmm havent got a chance to do a clean install. The prob has escalated now, comp restarts every 2-3 mins if I enable the NIC, but works fine in safe mode with networking. I can use the net in safe mode only now.

You may try the following.

1) boot normally , remove the NIC from the Device manager, and reboot. let windows redetect the NIC.

if problem is not solved then
2) boot normally, go to command promt and type
netsh winsock reset catalog { enter }
(wait till you get back the cursor.)
This will reset your winsock catalogs.
and again go to command prompt and type
netsh int ip reset [log_file_name] { Enter }
log_file_name = any *.txt file for e.g. mylog.txt
(wait a while till you get back the cursor.)
This will reset ur tcp /ip settings.
I know this may not solve ur problem but no harm in trying.

anyways you are going to reinstall the os, so before that just give this a try.;)