online resources for computer science and programming

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Since many users on the forum are from programming background, I thought we could have a thread where we could post some informative online resources that we find interesting (similar to the tv series and movies threads that we already have). Also these days you find tonnes of stuff on the internet about a particular subject and you might need to invest some time to find a right resource to learn about it. So this could save us some time.

Resources I found interesting.

  1. Jeffery way's tutorials on
  2. CPU Rings, Privilege, and Protection : Gustavo Duarte There are many other interesting articles on the blog.
  3. Why Scala? a hilarious Indian guy - YouTube
  4. Udacity | Free Online Courses. Advance your College Education & Career
  5. Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
  6. Learning Advanced JavaScript
actually I think that giving some specific links is more useful.Because the whole point of this thread is to avoid having to browse through lots of links and videos.
I just created this thread so that I can learn to code better through links that you guys find useful.
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