OnLive Makes PC Upgrades Extinct!

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^^ from the article
"For standard definition television quality, a broadband connection of at least 1.5 megabits per second is required. For HDTV resolution, a connection of at least 5 mbps is needed."
the gamers who are stuck with their laptops (esp. the office ones) will surely benefit from it .. i heard a news about AMD making an external GPU for notebooks ... but nothing came out of that ... lets see if this thing works ... then besides the high end games, everyone can play those console/PC exclusive titles ( looking forward to play Killzone 2 on PC :P ). Amazing find .. repped!
apollyon said:
^^ from the article
"For standard definition television quality, a broadband connection of at least 1.5 megabits per second is required. For HDTV resolution, a connection of at least 5 mbps is needed."

LOL. This won't pick up in India with its broadband ISP's having a huge fetish for data limits even on speeds like 256kbps. This can work if it works without input lag or any other kind of lag.
the best way will be tie up with a major ISP provider and provide as a packaged service all together..or else if they can bundle with DTH services as a premium VAS
Err... PC Upgrades are NOT just for gamers.

So forget about it gonna make PC Upgrades extinct.

And imagine yourself banging your head on the wall when there is the ever-so-frequent net downtime.
The things mentioned in the Article may have Some potential in JAPAN or maybe US where Cable broadband delivers excellent bandwidth n low ping (Only works if ACTUALLY <0.5ms)...

But come on, do u expect this thing to hit india? who will like to play Any pc game which reacts with 60 Frames per second And Ur INPUT from Controller/keyboard is detected alteast after 2ms! (Coz Indian Broadband wont EVER make it below 2ms) (i.e. u jst lost almost 120 frames of game n u have crashed ur car into the wall coz u dint control ur throttle n braking accurately. :/ )

Hence 1 thing is for sure, this idiotbox wont let me play any racing game, nor Mirror's Edge, or any game requiring a good reaction time (Not evn Pacman :|).

And yes PC's wont die coz of it, a video card isnt jst for gaming. And v upgraded PCs evn if v dint have to play games... 486->Penium 1->Pentium 3-> AMD 2800+ :The Config of my evolving office PC on which no1 games.
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