Linux open SUSE 11.2 M7 live boot of a USB flash drive

Haven't tried the m7 or privioys m but you can give dd commands a try..

Jus tnavigate to the directory from terminal (cd)

and then
dd if=opensuseimage.iso off=/media/sdx

Generate the USB mount point from
option and then replace it in the above DD commands..

Best of luck with m7 :p. I thought you were sabayon tester ?:p
The dd method's not working. Get a weird mbr not detected/yadda yadda yadda error message. Not at my laptop, will post the message once I get to it.

And yeah, openSUSE's always my first love :hap2:
M8 seems to be the first release to have "official" boot from USB flash disk support. Will try it.

Keep in mind most annoying bugs

Most Annoying Bugs

As this is a milestone release, 11.2 M8 does contain a few bugs that we know about, but should not stand between courageous contributors and release testing. The big bugs in 11.2 M8 are:

* Bug 542819 – gpk-update-viewer: Not able to update packages

* Bug 482749 – yast2 modules do not work with Qt 4.5.0

* Bug 539616 – Grub Error 17 after installation on RAID1

* Bug 542792 – Update repo is named silly

* Bug 505670 – Unable to boot – LVM/mapper does not create devices

* Bugs 536581 and 535888 – with KDE4 integration is not usable

* Bug 533989 – splashy still use 11.1 artwork

* Bug 537112 – Intel 4965 wireless is completely broken

* Bug 537343 – GNOME Live system asks for root password to mount file system after installation, work-around: just “Cancel”
le - bump. Trying to boot M8 off the USB disk. Getting "isolinux.bin" is missing or corrupt :|

Anybody else able to get M8 boot off flash disk ?