Opening in my company


There are a few openings for and other web technologies for Developer/Enterprise support at Microsoft, Bangalore. PM your details, and I can pass in a referral..

Please note, this is not at other companies, to which we outsource Pro/Consumer support. This is FTE position at Microsoft.

If you have good experience in IIS/ or at Windows Networing/Server Config/HTTP/Javascript stuff.. Send me your Resumes..

Hoping to get someone from TE into my team :)

PS: The positions are in Bangalore office.
How much experience are you looking at?? I'm currently a part of the system administration team at my company..
Freshers generally are not entertained coz we hire freshers only through campus hiring. [I am a fresher too :)]

@ajab: What field are you in? If we feel you have the skills to learn and pick up, we can consider it. PM me your details.

@Sei: Ideally around 3+ years of experience. It's not a hard and fast rule though. Please PM me with your details and we can take it from there.
^ Hey, thanks for offering, but I really meant Java by different 'field' - should have used a different word :) Never mind, my exp is on the higher side (6+) and I have none of those skills mentioned :)