Linux Openoffice 3.2 proposed interface !

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Dark Star


The best and most utilized Open source office suite available has gained some momentum with the newly released 3.0 and 3.1. But with upcoming 3.2 the developers have planned to rewrite the interface with something more friendly and usable. Unfortunately the developers have planned to make the interface reminiscent of MS office Ribbon.


The first prototype/mockup for the Openoffice 3.2 office suite

The new office suite will come with Java6 support and host of other new and bleeding edge technology to enchant the Open source audience. The 3.2 is planned to be released in Q4 09 or Q1 10.

Apart from revamped user interface Open office 3.2 will gain many features listed below :-

  • Performance improvements
    • startup performance improvements
    • ODF load/save performance improvements
  • Overall
    • First Achievements of the Renaissance project
    • Implementation of ODF 1.2 Metadata
    • Support for Opentype/CFF fonts
    • Begin of support for Graphite Smart fonts
    • XHTML export filter update
    • Support for Quicklook on OS X
  • Writer
    • Stemming and morphological capabilities for Thesaurus
    • Better OOXML import / begin of .docx export
  • Calc
    • Bubble chart implementation for charting module
    • Improvements in Autofilter, DataPilot, Conditional formatting, ODFFormula
    • Allow to insert/delete into/from the middle of merged cells
  • Impress
    • 3D Slideshow transitions for Linux and MacOS X, OpenGL transitions in Impress (Mac OS X)
    • Animations in SWF export
    • Highlighting in presentation mode
  • Base
    • Search and replace capabilities to SQL-Editor
  • Math'
    • Baseline alignment of formulas in starmath module

Download Renaissance Presentation :

Open office 3.2 wiki : Features - Wiki

Renaissance Home Page : Renaissance - Wiki

Open Office : - The Free and Open Productivity Suite

Please digg the news here
^^ I did included a screenshot , can't you view it ?

Its the first mockup/prototype. The UI is pretty rough atm so developers has only revealed only one screenshot for now.
I guess they'll have to copy the MS Office layout, since that seems to be the only way to increase their user base.

For me, Open Office has never failed me. I'll readily use this when it comes out.

Thanks for the information.
@Dark Star
I saw that dude... That's why I was asking, aren't there anymore?

This is a copy of MS Office's Ribbon. Anyways, this suite scores very very low on the UI and compability with MS-Office file formats in it's previous version. They need to improve that massively if they want to make OOo the Firefox of Office suites..
I never liked the ribbon in ms office 07. . So still using office 2003 . .
There is a problem with open office while using spreadsheet . . It doesnt do the ascending descending like in ms office . . There is no option for expanding the selection . . It only does for single column and so whereas most data are related and should be arranged accordingly . .
Instead of copying verbatim they should make their own. firefox would have never been popular if they just copied the interface of Internet Explorer. instead they innovated and made something more userfriendly.


Copying does not make you popular. not just in software but in general
Why would anyone want to copy something as terrible as ribbon interface? It totally sucks! God save openoffice...
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