Linux openSUSE 11: Ubuntu Killer?


I have been an avid openSUSE user in the past as it worked perfectly on my main workstation. However, I switched to Xubuntu as I'm more obsessed with speed and simplicity nowadays more than anything else. Since the latest version of openSUSE is about to be released and it promises some major enhancements over its predecessor, I decided to take a look at my former favorite distro to see what's been going on.

openSUSE 11 (Release Candidate) is out already, so it's the one that I grabbed. At first, I was still contemplating on which flavor to get since openSUSE is available in both Gnome and KDE Live CD versions. I usually go for GNOME, but this time I got the KDE 32-bit edition. My main reason for this is that I wanted to finally try out the much talked about KDE 4.

So, what's up with openSUSE 11? Is it good enough to finally beat Ubuntu on the desktop? Read on to find out...

Test Machine Specs:
Board: Intel Corporation D102GGC2
Processor: 3.40 GHz Intel Pentium D
Hard Drive: Samsung 80GB ATA with 8GB allocated to VM disk
Memory: 2GB DDR2 RAM with 512 MB allocated to VM memory

TECH SOURCE FROM BOHOL: openSUSE 11: Ubuntu Killer?
I'm just now trying openSUSE 11 RC1 (GNOME Live CD) in VMware. As usual, the install and initial setup experience totally sucks. Ridiculous amounts of downloads and popups asking to "add GNUPG key" just to setup a few repositories. Not to mention, like Mandriva, it asks to sign up here and sign up there.

I bet once this is completed then to do a regular software update is going to take another aeon or two! (Update: okay, the actual pre-update is not taking long to start the downloads)

I see there is a "control center" applet, inside the raft of options, there is a "yast" which opens yet another window with tons of options. I actually like this level of detail (makes me feel like a power user hah) but the packaging kills it for me.

Ubuntu's simplicity is simply unbeatable - and you can always dive into the console if you want to feel a little less noobish :D

Thank goodness a crazy millionaire (Mark Shuttleworth) decided to start a distro and based it on Debian's packaging system :p
Live CD has too less applications and s/w here is a graph representing different between DVD and Live CD version..Apart from that I would prefer DVD installation as it has great set of application and codecc :)

I am not regular Linux user,Installed Open Suse 10.3 with 2gb of physical memory,945 Intel,E2140,250+250+80Gb HDD's and two Lan cards.Everything installed very easily(Control panel shows 2gb memory also) and working good,Installer was very easy.Waiting for official Stable Release open SUSE11:) I feel this Features rich Suse Linux distribution way better then others.