Opera 15 Beta Released

First impressions :

1) The mail client is too drab to be used as a stand-alone application. Thunderbird has it beat hands down.

2) The browser feels faster and smoother.

3) It looks like Opera, but it doesn't have most of it's features. Which is okay for now, since it's still in development, but if it gets released the way it is, there's no reason to choose it over Chrome.

4) I've got Firefox set-up to emulate all the features of the old Opera that I used, and it's closer in functionality to the original Opera than Opera Next (15).
tried the latest version. and i puked. the biggest advantage of opera was it's extreme customisablity. opera 15 just is chrome which i hate. its sad. i'll puke some more and revert to opera 12.
Had kept it for the last few days thinking it will grow on me. Back to Opera 12.16 for now.

I liked the folder that can be created for speed dials but missed Ctrl+Number as I didn't need to go back to Speed Dial to choose a site.
Custom Search. This was the most important feature that I liked in the old Opera and until they get it back I am not switching to the newer versions.

Let's hope the browser is not a disaster like the new Opera on Android. Had to revert to Opera Classic.
In 15 my speed dials were not carried foreword also my bookmarks did not sync . Reverted back to 12.x . I have been using opera since v 3.6 .:)
I just hate the opera 15 and It's even worse than chrome . I am using 12.15 x64 so far and stopped visiting opera's website because of the crap 15 and it's update.

But thanks to guys as I now know about 12.16 I'll update to this version asap and kudos to opera devs too for not ditching the presto based version which I like most.