Opera 9.02

Lots of stability fixes.
Support for the Windows XP Media Center Edition remote control.
Several fixes to saving of images.
HTML editing in Wordpress and TinyMCE makes content no longer disappear.
Page title is now shown (again) under name column in History.
Fixed functionality on the new Flickr Organizer.
It is now possible to stop a newsfeed checking for updates.
Fixed Site Preferences & content blocker being greyed out on some sites.
Properties in Contacts and Bookmarks panel do not get disabled anymore.
Opera no longer crashes when trying to save a downloaded file to a full disk.
Windows specific:
Files can now be attached to e-mail messages if the file is read-only.
Mac specific:
Fixed crash with last.fm.
UNIX specific:
Telnet links now open in terminal by default.
And make also sure you do not forget that we also have a
Known Issue:
When subscribing to a feed you are not prompted the question whether you would like to subscribe.
Indyan said:
Opera no longer crashes when trying to save a downloaded file to a full disk.

Too good! first installment of opera 9 crashed a couple of times for me like this. I usually try to junk downloads in the last partition of the drive and have no idea when it gets filled up completely. When u click on the download link, it starts the download in the background (good) but in case of a drive with no free space it was irritating. I didnt understand what exactly was the problem for a few times this happened.


Fixed crash on live.com
Dialog again appears when subscribing to feeds
More fixes to falsely greyed out properties on bookmarks
More fixes to Gmails spellcheck
Yahoo mail beta should now work better
Fix for flash videos not always working on youtube and elsewhere
Added support for selectNodes and selectSingleNode
Updated OpenSSL due to Opera SSL RSA Signature Forgery Vulnerability - Advisories - Secunia
Made Slashdot Discussion2 beta work properly (Parse INT larger than 8388608)

Copying and pasting now works properly on gmail
Shubert's PDF plugin now works
