"Opera Users Are Most Satisfied"

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Insanely Awesome!!
Surfers that use the Opera and Firefox browsers are more satisfied than those who employ the services of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, according to research.

A survey carried out by NetApplications and SurveyWare found that Mozilla's Firefox is the considered the best browser software available. However, given its small user base, Opera seems to have the most satisfied customers.

"When the browser share is factored into the best browser voting, the analysis is even more revealing. The results imply that Opera has the most satisfied user base, followed by Firefox and [Apple's] Safari," according to NetApplications.

Opera is retaining its status as one of the internet's best-kept secrets - less than one per cent of surfers worldwide use the browser. Internet Explorer, despite having nearly 79 per cent of the market, was favoured least by respondents.

However, it isn't all bad news for Microsoft - a separate piece of research from NetApplications suggests that the rate of uptake for Windows Vista, the new Microsoft operating system, is increasing, seemingly at the expense of Apple.

Vista accounted for just over two per cent of the operating systems market in March 2007, compared to just under one per cent in the previous month. Apple's share of the market slipped for the first time since June 2006.

Opera users are most satisfied - Web User News
Duh who cares abt. news i am very happy with FF and I was a user of Opera in the past I was a fan of it. But after I switched to FF ..i was baffled by the speed really the WoW start with FF :)
Well, firefox may have more extensions available ... but opera is definately faster than FF imo
thexfactor said:
Well, firefox may have more extensions available ... but opera is definately faster than FF imo

u are using on BB dude try in on Dial Up .. And the difference is clear .. Opera fat not fast :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lol opera is fater on slow connections dude! Opera has excellent page rendering even with partially loaded pages.
i use IE and am quite satisfied :P .. never really liked any of the the 3rd party browsers
bottle said:
i use IE and am quite satisfied :P .. never really liked any of the the 3rd party browsers

^^^^ same here..... I find that IE7 and Avant work exactly as I like. I have many issues with the way I run my browser with Opera as well as FF. I have all these browsers installed :)
I used Opera too .. and was damm pissef off with the Flash incompatibility ... loads of sites which were flash based were not browse-able ... Firefox rocks ... and once u load in the extensions and tweaks ... its beats the hell out of Opera ...
Hmm I tried OPera but didnt like the feel of it.. I guess nuthin beats the customisation like FF to suit your needs.
I have used IE, Firefox and Opera.

In terms of speed, I feel it's like Opera > Firefox > IE. (I was damn impressed at how fast pages load on dialup in Opera.) But I've used and liked older versions of Opera only like 3.5 and 3.6. I felt they'd messed up since version 5.0(but I haven't seen the recent versions.) Plus their interface and shorcut keys seem confusing.

Nowdays, I'm sticking to IE as I just do casual browsing at home and don't really care about speed. But I hate that fact that IE is constantly under hijack and attack from viruses and trojans.

One thing I can say for sure...I've used and always hated all Netscape versions that I checked out.
What Opera does not do for me is show colours of threads visited in another colour ... like in attached picture... if I force Opera to do this then it messes up the menus - TOTALLY - A BIG MESS :(

This picture is taken with The World Browser which I just downloaded - I get these same colours with IE and Avant.... FF does this but FF is a P.I.T.A. to set font sizes and often the cursor disappears when typing forum posts - I HATE THAT - I have tried all versions of FF and same problems :( Also I save my files in *.mft format and every new version of FF wants a new extension for this feature and by the time the extension is released shortly a new verson of FF is out :@
AMD4Life said:
For me...FF>Opera anyday! :P
Damn even the gmail built-in chat doesnt show up in Opera... :no:

the gmail built-in chat works great for me ... only issues I've got with opera is that when I click on the mail icon in yahoo messenger I'm not automatically signed in though I have selected that option in messenger :( and also some of the pages on the Nokia site were not displayed properly, but it seems to be fixed in the recent releases ... IE I use only to install junk like imageshack toolbar and megaupload toolbar :P
Opera is the best. No need to install 5 plugins just to get some basic functionality in your browser.
It is by far the the leanest too.
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