Operation Flashpoint:Dragon Rising!!

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
a short summary for the uninformed lot:

skira island off russia has been occupied by chinese troops in a quick blitzkrieg-like movement as it has oilfields and china needs oil to sustain its failing and burgeoning economy.a diversion was created by china by amassing troops along the russian border and then seizing the island.china claims the island as its rightful territory(like they claimed and annexed Tibet,claimed arunachal pradesh and god knows what else!)

at the end of the cold war us and russia formed an alliance and now russia has asked for military assistance to regain its lost island.

US rapid deployment forces have begun operations to take over the island from the hostile chinese forces(people's liberation army).you play varying roles as an us soldier.

now i would rate the game @ 7.5/10 bcoz its terribly hard and the AI will act weirdly always! they won't shoot at you from point blank and then they shoot at you when you are out of range!

i've been playing the game for quite some time now and i haven't got past the oil dump mission.if anyone has cleared this mission --please help me out!

i move into the objective on the map grid which requires the saber 3 team to begin its diversionary attack so that my team can sneak in and destroy the fuel pump generator.the attack never happens and my team along with me are slaughtered!!

its been a frustrating day for me trying to clear this mission and i have failed!

i need help!!!
This mission isint that tough. You have to move in to the designated position without being detected. Only then there will be a diversionary attack. I just killed some guys and took their jeep to go to the designated point. The sound of jeep alerted them and the alarm was raised. There was no diversionary attack. You just have to crouch and pick targets one by one.

The next mission is quite tough. I havent completed it. You have to command a ATV. The controls just suck big time.
i got this german video from youtube--searched for dragon rising mission 6 -- it is whacky the way this guy got the job done--so i got it done the same way!

the controls for this game are a pain in a**** !!
Its best not to command any vehicles. Better to go on foot and complete the objectives. Was watching some youtube vids. Its quite good how they actually use the command menu. I never give any commands to my squad.
I have Operation Flashpoint game of the year edition,the only realistic game I played ever and I love get this one too.
@swordfish----what's ur progress?

mission 7 was a pain initially and then after i got the hang of it got through the entire mission without dying --came close twice but that wouldn't have happened if the medic was checking out the lovely flowers in the valley!

the rescue mission seems tough haven't begun yet!
Lovely game. Finished it a few days back. A few missions are tough, but once you get the hang of the controls and when to use your medic etc, it gets easier. They should release add-ons/expansions for this one.
sunny27 said:
@swordfish----what's ur progress?
mission 7 was a pain initially and then after i got the hang of it got through the entire mission without dying --came close twice but that wouldn't have happened if the medic was checking out the lovely flowers in the valley!
the rescue mission seems tough haven't begun yet!

The rescue mission is quite easy, You just have to walk long distance before reaching the POW camp. The enemies have snipers with them. Use it to snipe everyone in the POW camp. The snipers lack the bang that i expected. In the next mission you get the .50cal M82. I was so pumped up. But when i shot it its like any other rifle. The gun sounds and explosions are a bit lacking in this game.

BTW i am on mission 10. Just 1 more to go.
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