ordering from amazon and reshipping product to non serviceable pincode

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As amazon is not servicing many pin codes for certain or all products in some cases, and people might be needing many products that are important for their work or other purposes so in that case, I can help you

I've been helping many friends of mine lately by doing the same thing and everyone have been very much grateful to me so thought to help others as well

If you need any product which is important to you for any reason then contact me with the following information: product link, your address, contact number

I'll order the product at no extra cost apart from what it'll cost to re-ship the item by my delhivery account (not through shiprocket if it is anything of your concern)

I would assume the order will be of importance to you rather than random use as you'll be paying an extra cost for shipping

Any suggestions/advice are most welcome either here or through dm

what happens when you send something and it breaks or is DOA ? the window of return for amazon is too less to get it back and return.
its not as easy as it sounds.
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what happens when you send something and it breaks or is DOA ? the window of return for amazon is too less to get it back and return.
its not as easy as it sounds.
I totally agree but I don't think people would pay extra to order any random stuff, rather only things that might be of certain importance to them

On second thought what I can do is, with the buyer's permission open the item received from amazon then make a video of unboxing then re-pack it and send it to the prospective buyer

It would be a little PIA for me but that's the least I can do to help someone
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