Orkut help [URGENT]

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hey ....one of my frnds just showed me a profile where the guy was using my pics and he had joined all adult communities and all on orkut ...i have asked my friends to report him but i would like to know what else can i do ? where can i file a FIR and stuff ?
somebody plz help. thanks.

the profile of the guy is here,

orkut - Login
nvidiabeast said:
man.. thats sad :P messave everyone in ur orkut friends that to report that id... that may work

already did that ...i just want to know how can i file a police complaint against him or something ...dont want that guy to escape.
I replied to your message...posting here again for everyone's benefit.

When you report a user, make sure you give proof.

Like, impersonating is not easy to prove.

So, what I did was to post a link to Mohit's profile while reporting and also typed "The Mohit in the above link is the original owner of the pic and this guy is misusing it".

Tell your friends trhis. Just typing "Impersonating" or something woint help much. They need to give proof.l
and one more thing..if u really want to teach tht guy..a lesson and police does not help much..what u can do..is try acting gal..or something..and contact tht guy as a gal. .thro orkut..and finally try gettin his phone no. and address..and then get him nabbed by the police..yeah i knw its a weired..really weired idea..but may work..if u have lotssa time !
hmm. you may contact cyber police, get printouts of that user's homepage.. if u want to catch that person, dont warnings anymore else he may remove pic in future and may put some1 other's pic and that should not happen so you have to catch that person n take him under bars... so as a proof take printouts of ur original profile and that fake profile's pprintouts (including that adult communities stuffs) so that will make police registering ur complain under pornography usage.. thats all i have to say. hope you catch that person and bash him badly.. i hope ur friends are not pulling ur legs cause he is from CG too
I also reported ABUSE.

JOKE: are you sure you don't have any lost twin-brother ??!!!! lol
can somebody save printouts of mine and his profile for me ?

god damn ms paint is not working for me at the moment ....josh plz do it for me if possible bro.

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mohit now dont talk with the guy much...else he will now try to destroy evidence...personally call cyber cell....its most probably done by a person who knows u well

also the trick said by someone may help......social engineering ....

But cyber cell stuff is main...also i guess u can contact any news channel and if they reach your door first(which they will do for news)...than police too will come up early
1st of all mail him to stop impersonating u..... if he agrees then wats the use of all this.... get a screenie of ur sent msg too...
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