Guys my os is crashing bcz of my external hdd. Whenever i explore my external drive after 3 seconds explorer crashed error comes. Problem is with hdd or with os? Please reply.
Are there any video files on the HDD? Sometimes Explorer crashes while making thumbnails of Video files if crappy codecs are installed. Do yo have any codec package installed? Try disable showing of thumbnails from advanced system settings.
Could not agree more. this problem often used to bug me in the past.
_abhay_ said:
Are there any video files on the HDD? Sometimes Explorer crashes while making thumbnails of Video files if crappy codecs are installed. Do yo have any codec package installed? Try disable showing of thumbnails from advanced system settings.
Or you can manually remove those handlers(thumbnail readers, extra right-click context items) by installing ShellEXView(ShellExView - Shell Extension Manager For Windows) and disabling the problem item