PC Peripherals OSD Main Menu Keeps Popping Up?

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Hi guys, I am having to face this problem every once in a while. The on-screen display menu of my HP f1703 monitor keeps popping up on its on, after I press it back using the monitor buttons it again pops up. This I suppose is happening because of the monsoon. Because this problem occurs every now and then and usually around monsoon season. Any solution for this thing?
if you know how to open the monitor properly and dry the rubber contacts, then it might help. if not, keep pressing the menu button till the moisture goes away. dont press angrilly or with force, since i've seen that the buttons are prone to break from inside since they have just a small plastic tab less than a mm wide in keeping them from breaking.
Oh, this is troublesome to just keep pressing the button, no other solution? Does this problem occur often with monitors?
yes, it happens with many monitors. you could try blowing air (with a blower or vacuum cleaner in blower mode) in the small less than 1mm space between the bezel and button to remove some moisture. dont use a hot air dryer, since it will damage the lcd panel and might melt the top coating.
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