Graphic Cards Over Clocking Sapphire 4770..plz help


Hi frnds,I have got a sapphire 4770. Initially i was not thinking of overclocking it coz i thought it would be enough for games like cod4,most wanted,half life 2, BURNOUT PARADISE,FIFA nd BL Cricket etc which i play most of the games its performing good..always giving around 60 fps..but in Burnout Paradise,which i love most,fps count dips around 53-55 in some graphic intensive areas like downtown paradise which take sm fun out of the game coz it doesnt appear smooth.So i want to know if overclocking it will solve my prob or not (i want continuous 60 fps)? If yes,plz tell me sm good overclocking utility for 4770 nd also to which extent i shd ovrclk..
in beetween my specs are:
c2d e6550 @ 2.33 ghz
trans 2gb ram
abit ip35e MB (pci v1 slot)
CM 500 waat smps
Burnout paradise is a game which will smooth at 40-50 FPS. You don't need 50+ FPS in a game like this.

Besides, don't expect normal overclocking to increase FPS beyond 3-4 for ever 50.
Hello Mate,

Firstly at what resolution are you gaming at, I have almost the same setup except for CPU I,e i have an E7200 @ 3.8GHz, I play @ 1680X1050 and i am comfortably getting 60+ Fps with same card even at stock speed,

I think it is your CPU which might be bottlenecking the GPU, But not to worry your setup looks quite good for an CPU overclock, Just try overclocking your CPU atleast to 3.2 Ghz and check the results if still it does not help, then overclock your Graphic card using riva tuner, I think Sapphire 4770 can handle an oc up to 880/1100 with out any voltmod.
tosh79 said:
Hello Mate,

Firstly at what resolution are you gaming at, I have almost the same setup except for CPU I,e i have an E7200 @ 3.8GHz, I play @ 1680X1050 and i am comfortably getting 60+ Fps with same card even at stock speed,

I think it is your CPU which might be bottlenecking the GPU, But not to worry your setup looks quite good for an CPU overclock, Just try overclocking your CPU atleast to 3.2 Ghz and check the results if still it does not help, then overclock your Graphic card using riva tuner, I think Sapphire 4770 can handle an oc up to 880/1100 with out any voltmod.

i have 19" lcd @ 1440* gives 60 fps most of d time,only at few places it dips down..i havent done cpu overclocking before.but i will try it..ny risk or smthing which i should take care?
rite said:
Burnout paradise is a game which will smooth at 40-50 FPS. You don't need 50+ FPS in a game like this.

Besides, don't expect normal overclocking to increase FPS beyond 3-4 for ever 50.

i think 30+ fps is good for games like cod4 etc where you dont need very smooth in racing games, when car is runnin, u need smoothness(min 60 fps) otherwise u can notice a little pause btwn every frame wid naked eye :)
Shouldn't be any problems if you do it properly,Just make sure you raise the clock speeds in small increments and do not pump in too Much of v core to the CPU.

I suggest you to go through some ocing Guides before starting.
First make sure that there are no other bottlenecks and after that if you narrow it down to the GPU then use ATI’s Overdrive utility to overclock the card. With this utility you can overclock your card live without rebooting. This will enable you to check the performance of the game and tweak the settings live without the hassle of going into the BIOS.
otpsurvive said:
First make sure that there are no other bottlenecks and after that if you narrow it down to the GPU then use ATI’s Overdrive utility to overclock the card. With this utility you can overclock your card live without rebooting. This will enable you to check the performance of the game and tweak the settings live without the hassle of going into the BIOS.

I have the same card and getting a better performance @1680*1050 then what OP is getting at 1440*900, I am quite sure if at all there is an bottle neck it is CPU only.

Though I agree with your suggestion of Using ATI overdrive for overclocking the GPU, Since he is new to overcloking.
1. OC CPU to say 2.8GHz

2. use latest version of Riva Tuner and OC HD4770

You can easily hit 850Mhz core and 950MHz memory on the HD4770, if not higher...jus be careful and run stress tests after OCing to check stability.......