Hmmm but will the mobo support more than 1066 fsb ? I mean suppose I get 1066mhz ram will it work ? Cos the specs of the mobo say 1066(O.C)/800/667 ... so does this mean with 1066mhz stock ram it wont boot ?
@ Scorpy: You need not change your CPU. Your RAM is holding you back. get a new 800MHz pair with cl4 timings. Also mention whet memory dividers are supported by your mobo.
Yes I can live with my 3.2ghz processor .. my ram is holding me back D: .
I need 4GB ram ... my mobo specs say it supports 1066(O.C)/800/667 .... so does this mean that if I buy 1066 mhz STOCK speed ram my pc wont boot ? Do I really need 800mhz and then oc to 1066 mhz D: ?
What memory divider you talking about ? In the bios I can choose fsb x2/2.5/3
Sorry dude, it's been quite a some time since I got my hands on an Intel system. But get 1066MHz RAMs, and set it to run at 800MHz, so that you eliminate any RAM issues to easily OC. Yes your board might not boot up when using a ram at 1066.