
Rave said:
yeah but who the hell is my first wife? wtf, i got married and never knew? god damnit :O

that is so funny :rofl:

btw i check u ablum u have big plasma lcd and nice house and neat table also some new car so i guess u were marriage long ago that why u got new rig anyway just kidding :lol:

even i check u orkut account about u album and u scrap someone long ago :devil2:
woah i have a plasma screen and i never knew? wth wth, this thread it seems is like discover yourself thread about me, gotta find where that plasma went then, any idea where to look in my big house arun?
Rave said:
woah i have a plasma screen and i never knew? wth wth, this thread it seems is like discover yourself thread about me, gotta find where that plasma went then, any idea where to look in my big house arun?

Lolz.. Rave, delete these OT stuff bro; Doesn look good on a show off thread; :no:

We'll deal with arun later; :devil2: U've got company bro; :p
Biatch got some new bones to play around with...

Good good... Lets have a mini review of that GPS you were blabbering about in he first post of yours... And i guess you need to head to photography thread... You badly need help :|
yes, all the stuff minus mobo and psu is from US

and switch biatch, thats a cellphone cam, my camera's charger is still dead but hopefully will get it from repair by tomorrow, as u already know, needs urgent hehe

and regarding the Mio, ill have a detail thread on the same as and when i get some free time, must say beats SCZ's car pc :p

well not really coz of the smaller screen size and limited disk space, but other than that, its brilliant, everything is so seamless, walk into the car and it gets paired with my phone automatically to make phone calls, walk out and again back to normal, can also be used to play music through phone via bluetooth, can have a SD wifi card and surf the internet via wifi, loads of things in it, just need some time to tinker around and set it up as per my requirements :D
:) Congrats on the second wife...

p.s Belated congrats on the first wife :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sorry for the ot....could not help it...

Congrats on the uber stuff :hap2:
thanks guys

have the pc running for over 4-5 days now and still havent played any game nor oc'ed the proccy/gfx card :lol:
You dont need to overclock the card... All you need to do is download the Grid demo and then say "Money well spent"...