Oxyshare 700 MB downloads


Hi all,
There's a new site in town. The name is oxyshare. One can download/upload 700 MB in a flash. I've used an e.g. of a movie/media but otherwise things are same.







Source :- A certain lonelygirl who introduced me to the site.
looks good ....can u download 700mb files continuously without any time delay like rapidshare ???

also howz d speed ?
I'm able to use IDM or any download manager & get consistent 30 KBps which is my speed limit. As far as resuming is concerned, I've not tried but I'm happy with the speeds.
hmm..looks nice



Size of file----------|--700mb-----------------100mb-------------------250mb

Download speed-----|-3 mb/s----------------1.5 mb/s----------------1,5 mb/s

Download limit-------|-no limit---------------1 file/hour-----------------no limit

FTP upload----------|--yes--------------------no-----------------------no---

Resume downloading-|--yes--------------------no-----------------------yes--

Block by IP----------|---no--------------------yes----------------------yes--

FTP speed----------|-500kb/s----------------no FTP-------------------no FTP

QuickFire said:
hmm..looks nice

Size of file----------|--700mb-----------------100mb-------------------250mb
Download speed-----|-3 mb/s----------------1.5 mb/s----------------1,5 mb/s
Download limit-------|-no limit---------------1 file/hour-----------------no limit
FTP upload----------|--yes--------------------no-----------------------no---
Resume downloading-|--yes--------------------no-----------------------yes--
Block by IP----------|---no--------------------yes----------------------yes--
FTP speed----------|-500kb/s----------------no FTP-------------------no FTP

thnx for the ready comparision......

useful..... :rofl:
I had come across this site while looking for a download of a particular file.....I liked it....I was getting 32KB/s consistently for the whole download....No breaks or disconnections.....

I wonder why all the guys who upload files are not moving to oxyshare......It is way better than Rapidshare and megaupload.....
Few obvious reasons come on top of the mind :-

1. Rapidshare is well-known site while oxyshare is an unknown as far as net is concerned.

2. Rapidshare has got 3 networks so the possibility of 3 going down at the same time is very small. Oxyshare we don't really know.

3. Another thing it seems rapidshare.de has upped it to 300 MB per file from 100 MB.

4. Most of the file-sharing sites use advertising+premium users accounts+ uploader's bandwidth to remain profitable. Atleast tht is the business model on which they seem to operate. While oxyshare has tied up the last 2, the 1st one they still have to tie up.

5. The premium accounts are more expensive in oxyshare rather than in rapidshare.

If this seems I'm favoring rapidshare then I'm not. I'm just stating where the incumbent is & what the competition needs to do if they wanna survive in the mkt.

================================================== ==========

Size of file----------|--700mb-----------------100mb-------------------250mb

Download speed-----|-3 mb/s----------------1.5 mb/s----------------1,5 mb/s

Download limit-------|-no limit---------------1 file/hour-----------------no limit

FTP upload----------|--yes--------------------no-----------------------no---

Resume downloading-|--yes--------------------no-----------------------yes--

Block by IP----------|---no--------------------yes----------------------yes--

FTP speed----------|-500kb/s----------------no FTP-------------------no FTP

================================================== ==========

isn't RS upload limit now 300MB....its been upgraded almost 15-20 days back