PC Peripherals Ozaki - Soomoku- Typhoon 5.1 Check the High RMS & Sweet Price

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Guys these are taken from Digit May 05 Issue.

The Output RMS of these speakers is gr8 and look at the price.
The Digit Test also show that they have very good sound quality.
Will post the Excel Sheet Digit Table as it comes on ThinkDigit.com
Or you can also check for detailed scores of 27 Speakers Reviewed By Digit
Here:- http://www.thinkdigit.com/testscore/
Currently the excel sheet for May issue is not put up.

Ozaki Nukez 5.1 Channel
Subwoofer - 50W
Center - 23W
Satellites - 13W
Cost - 5700Rs
Contact - Rashi Peripherals - 022-28260258
Email - navinder@rptechindia.com
Web:- www.ozaki.com.tw
More Ozaki Speakers @ Rashi:-
Digit Score on 53.52/100

Soomoku 5.1
Subwoofer - 40W
Center - 15W
Satellites - 12W
Cost - 6750
Contact - Palesha Elctronics Industries - 02026351752
Email - palesha@vsnl.com
Web - http://www.palesha.com/soomoku51.htm
Digit Score on 59.82/100

Typhoon Amplified System Pro 5.1
Subwoofer - 30W
Center - 14W
Satellites - 14W
Cost - 4500
Contact - Aditya Infotech - 011-26223810
Email - yogesh_dutta@adityagroup.com
Web - www.anubisline.com
Digit Score on 55.34/100

Creative Inspire 5200 5.1 Digit Score is 60.44/100
Altec Lansing 251 Digit Score is 46.51/

Guys what do you have to says about the above mentioned speakers.
Will they have poor sound quality or will be a gr8 buy.
Heh I'd believe my ears more than Digit for sure :P. There's no way the inspire 5200 is better than the 251.
I have heard from my friend....he is using it and says that it is good.......but says that there is very little diffreence between it and 251......so......i dunno.......i use creative...and it ok so far.
Chaos said:
Heh I'd believe my ears more than Digit for sure
I TOTALLY agree !!! I think those reviewers at Digit are Tone Deaf !! A couple of years back I bought a 4.1 speaker set on their recommendation and I could not believe the HORRIBLE noises that came out of that speaker set. Even the sound of my finger nails across a black board would have sounded better :@

I have stopped buying any hardware on the recommendations of Digit or CHIP :hap5:
Eazy said:
I TOTALLY agree !!! I think those reviewers at Digit are Tone Deaf !! A couple of years back I bought a 4.1 speaker set on their recommendation and I could not believe the HORRIBLE noises that came out of that speaker set. Even the sound of my finger nails across a black board would have sounded better :@

I have stopped buying any hardware on the recommendations of Digit or CHIP :hap5:

ROFL :D. Thats just insane :P. What did u do with the speaker set then? Sold to kabadiwala ;)?
Chaos said:
ROFL :D. Thats just insane :P. What did u do with the speaker set then? Sold to kabadiwala ;)?

No gave them to a friend.... FREE... nearly had to pay him to take it away....... :(
though i have not heard to any of the mentioned brands, I am pretty sure the build quality of all these is not as good as Altec Lansing's or Logitech's. those RMS figures cud be bloated. And even if they were true, I am not sure if the speakers are built solid enough to handle that much power :D

Like Chaos said, u shud trust ur ears more than digit's reviews :)
What I have noticed about these reviewers is they give a lot of weightage to the bass output of the subwoofer, they nearly disregard the output as well as clarity of the satellite speakers. Creative Inspire series has a very boomy bass, nowhere as tight as I have seen from the Logitech speakers ( I havent heard Altec Lansing yet )
sumuku is a pune based company (the owner's sons names start with 'su' 'mu' n 'ku' hence the name :D )...their speakers r quite decent....certainly on par with the inspire range of creative speakers
aces you have hit the bulls eye.
I have had exactly same experience. its not the reviewers but couple of my friends who like the boom, thats all. They just turn the volume up and listed to those vibrations. thats all they like and feel that creative inspire 4400 and 5200 is the best. They dont care about satellite clarity or speech output. They put some DJ on it and turn the volume up.
Unfortunately i did not expected the same from Digit. But looks like whoever tested the speakers was similar fool.
but seeing how much their quality have degraded over last year, i am not surprised.
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