P2P effect on legal music sales "not statistically distinguishable from zero"

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Entitled "The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis," the study matched an extensive sample of music downloads to American music sales data in order to search for causality between illicit downloading and album sales. Analyzing data from the final four months of 2002, the researchers estimated that P2P affected no more than 0.7% of sales in that timeframe.

Think that's right ? I don't.
Are you sure that the article is wrong?

Let us see:

Before P2P, how much did you spend on buying music? And after?

Trust me, you'll get your answer from that.
before and after p2p , the amount i spend on buying music is the same.. i still buy the cds for music i like , only difference i guess is that with p2p i have access to stuff thats not available locally soo :shrug:
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