For Sale !
* Product Name :- Dualshock 3
* Expected Price :- Rs 1300
* Time of Purchase :- Got it with ylod ps3 i bought from a5hr1th on 25th feb
* accessories :- Just the controller no usb cord
* Remaining Warranty period :- no i think
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- xbox360 power-supply universal
* Expected Price :- Rs 1500
* Time of Purchase :- 2009
* accessories :- power-supply with cord
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- xbox360 faceplate
* Expected Price :- Rs 300
* Time of Purchase :- don't remember
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :-No spring issues
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.
note: also have whole xbox360 outer shell for 300 rs extra

* Product Name
C Game dvds Supreme commander, Stalker, Titan quest, Dawn of war.
* Expected Price :- 150 rs for each 500 rs for all.
* Time of Purchase :-Got from friend as gift.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- Never played them dvd keys are unused
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name
s2 Game dvds God of war 1&2,shadow of colossus+persona3.(NTSC)
* Expected Price :- 200 rs for each 600 rs for all.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- plays fine not a single scratch.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name
S3 40 gb spare parts Fan, Wifi board, Powersupply, Dvddrive, Ps3 case.
* Expected Price :- 250 for fan, 300 for wifi board, 1000 for power-supply, 500 for dvd-drive, shell for 500rs.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- ps3 ylod'ed lying unused.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- all work fine tested on friends ps3.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name
4 processor 2.8 ghz with original heatsink.
* Expected Price :- 500.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- motherboard died lying unused.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- Working fine tested .
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- original hp, compaq 15.4 laptop lcd screen.
* Expected Price :- Rs 3200
* Time of Purchase :- mid 2010.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- laptop mobo went kaput.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well will personally fit at my place.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash.

Note:- Anybody needs xbox360 spare parts eg rf board,fans etc pm me can provide pics on request of genuine buyer.
* Product Name :- Dualshock 3
* Expected Price :- Rs 1300
* Time of Purchase :- Got it with ylod ps3 i bought from a5hr1th on 25th feb
* accessories :- Just the controller no usb cord
* Remaining Warranty period :- no i think
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- xbox360 power-supply universal
* Expected Price :- Rs 1500
* Time of Purchase :- 2009
* accessories :- power-supply with cord
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- xbox360 faceplate
* Expected Price :- Rs 300
* Time of Purchase :- don't remember
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :-No spring issues
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.
note: also have whole xbox360 outer shell for 300 rs extra

* Product Name

* Expected Price :- 150 rs for each 500 rs for all.
* Time of Purchase :-Got from friend as gift.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- Never played them dvd keys are unused
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name

* Expected Price :- 200 rs for each 600 rs for all.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- need money.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- plays fine not a single scratch.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name

* Expected Price :- 250 for fan, 300 for wifi board, 1000 for power-supply, 500 for dvd-drive, shell for 500rs.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- ps3 ylod'ed lying unused.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- all work fine tested on friends ps3.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name

* Expected Price :- 500.
* Time of Purchase :-don't remember.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no.
* Reason for Sale :- motherboard died lying unused.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no.
* Product Condition :- Working fine tested .
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: at actuals.
* Payment Options: Cash, cash deposit.

* Product Name :- original hp, compaq 15.4 laptop lcd screen.
* Expected Price :- Rs 3200
* Time of Purchase :- mid 2010.
* Remaining Warranty period :- no
* Reason for Sale :- laptop mobo went kaput.
* Purchase Invoice Available :- no
* Product Condition :- work's well will personally fit at my place.
* Product Location: Mumbai,thane.
* Shipping Charges: not interested in shipping.
* Payment Options: Cash.

Note:- Anybody needs xbox360 spare parts eg rf board,fans etc pm me can provide pics on request of genuine buyer.