P55 or H55?

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hey guys i am gonna get a new rig.
processor i5-750
i am confused btw p55 and h55 mobos both almost same price(1k diff tho it wont affect my budget)

i am gonna use my old xfx 4770 for some time(3months may be) and get ati5850
later for that rig

so wats the diff btw p55 and h55???
With a H-55 mobo you can utilize the on die IGP of the core i-3 and core i-5 dual cores. Whereas you can't with the P-55. Other than that there is not much of a difference for a regular user.
find all info here....

Intel H55, H57 and Q57: New chipsets for Clarkdale processors - Intel H55, H57, Q57, Chipset, Clarkdale, Core i3, Core i5 - PC Games Hardware

Thus the P55 chip is still intended for performance hungry socket 1156 buyers who don't need the integrated graphics unit anyway. As the chart shows, the H55 on the other hand is most suitable for low-priced systems: In contrast to the other socket 1156 chipsets it only supports 12 instead of 14 USB 2.0 ports and it doesn't support hard drive technologies like Intel Rapid Storage. Thus most H55 motherboards are offered in the Micro ATX form factor and currently cost between 75 and 100 Euros. If you want a cheap gaming Pc without RAID, SLI or Crossfire the H55 boards are a worthy option nevertheless.

am not sure how much of a real difference would it make to an end user. i say - save the 1k and settle for the p55 series.
Like explained in the above quote, P55 is aimed at performance hungry. As of right now, all the good overclocking motherboards come with the P55 chipset.
I am not aware of the modern chipsets, but atleast on the older ones. IGP's held back ocing, dunno with the advent on IGP's on the processors...
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