Linux package installation prob with pkgtool

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hi,I m using Vector linux 4.3 on a k6-2 550 mhz (i586) & tring to install a package using 'Pkgtool' under 'vsam'

I logged on as 'root'
Package filename = xine-lib-1.1.0-i486-1pcx.tgz
And it's inside /root/xyz

After i ask it to install, all went well (No warning or error messages).
But there is no link of the xine, in menu nor it's icon on desktop, to start the application.
I face the same prob, while installing D4X package (for i386 arch).

What's going on !! pls suggest a solution.

The application can be started by just typing "xine" in a console. As you can see, it is hard for third party applications to add their entries into the window manager menu, as there are so many window managers.

You can add the program name to IceWM by editing the menu file of IceWM (probably located in /usr/X11/share/icewm/menu, if you cant find it, search for icewm by doing a "find / -name icewm"). The syntax is

"program name" "icon name" "command to be executed".

For xine, I would add

xine xine xine

Read the IceWM help for details.

Oh BTW, a new version of vector (5.1 standard) is out, it has many new features including a tweaked package manager, which simplifies installation of extra software.
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