Pak would nuke us if attacked

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By anyone.....

As per Sunday TOI Mumbai

Freaking morons, they wont advance nor will they let us advance. Just imagine the amt we would save on defence cost if Pak was wiped out frm planet earth.
we shd give them the comlpete opposite statement & it shd appear in their newspapers "india would nuke us if attacked" :lol: complete jackasses
if anyone wants to have a good laugh go to *edited* the site is closed down..:lol:
^^ I read that and was like WTF :S ?

Iran is getting it first from US, and Pak is surely gonna be next if they keep braggin like this...
they wil never learn .. those morons..

as Aces said .. they dnt want to do anything and wdnt let us live in peace either..

By the way .. going by the report card of the chinese stuff.. i dnt think their nukes wil even leave their airspace .. :bleh:
they shouldnt forget that we got a rocket scientist for a president .... NOW CAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY BEAT THAT?
spacescreamer said:
they wil never learn .. those morons..

as Aces said .. they dnt want to do anything and wdnt let us live in peace either..

By the way .. going by the report card of the chinese stuff.. i dnt think their nukes wil even leave their airspace .. :bleh:

well chinese are no morons btw.

anyway pakistan is just a front. when we talk of pakistan attacking us, one should not forget that at the end of the day its the chinese who are responsible and are behind it. Pakistan would be nowhere but for china. Ultimately we are looking at china as our main enemy/competitor(whichever way you wanna look at it)

as far as nuke threat goes.. well std ploy of every pakistani general after retiring. the earlier idiot said he had full plans of 1965 war after he retiered. frankly i won't give much credence to their retired officers. Although, its no secret that if cornered, india is always no1 target, even if that means getting back at US>
There is an old saying

"If there will be a war between India and Pakistan....

There would be major destruction in India

And there wont be a Pakistan. PERIOD
And there wont be a Pakistan. PERIOD


well there won't be much of india left also in case of a nuclear war.

if we are to consider a full scale war between two armies, there is fat chance it would be restricted just between the two atleast right now.

conventinal weapons superiority makes it certain that India will have the edge in that warfare.

there are two possibilities in that scinario

1) pakistan is cornered pretty soon

2) china clandestinely supports pakistan or jumps fully

in case of 1 , i think its highly unlikely anyway as no country is gonna sit back and not take sides or exert pressure, and if there is a war its obvious that diplomacy failed so there will be sides taken; pakistan might try a nuclear bomb if the infrastructure remains(again i guess in case of full blown war, the idea would be to take the infrastructure out in the first strike) if thats the case the capability to strike back is highly limited and india might be able to prevail

the more likely scinario is china joining hands and doing a strike on Indioa.. and US against them(in case it goes as far as the nuclear bomb) i doubt in present age america will sit back.
And in case that is true, the whole world will chip in. Because US attacked Pak, all Islamic countries will attack Israel. And then they will also start nuking the Islamic countries.

That will be armageddon.
Yup. USA will definitely jump in at any opportunity and take control of all the countries in the war, say India and Pakistan. And they will claim that they are a global police force and peacekeeping. But then they will also take over all the infrastructure (esp the call centers and software companies) and establish American bases for "safety& peace of this great nation". Then we will be just another "Japawn".

Well either that or, dearest Mr.Putin will just sink the whole of Pak into the Arabian Sea even before General can say "WTF?" And India will be left with a greater coastline from Gujarat to Kashmir. lol.

Not sure what might happen if China steps in though, against us. USA will get restless for their inability since its too much of a pain especially since all the 3 countries lack oil resources. Russia might not attack them, but still help us with missiles, aircraft, 0.1m resolution satellite imagery and maybe even a couple of subs.

Nikhil said:
And in case that is true, the whole world will chip in. Because US attacked Pak, all Islamic countries will attack Israel. And then they will also start nuking the Islamic countries.

That will be armageddon.

frankly no islamin country has any sort of own firepower to attack and win in Israel.. so perish tht tht. they can try they won't win.

the best they can do is to cut oil supplies. even then how long they can withstand the west powers is highly debatable.(apart from suicide attacks)
Not sure what might happen if China steps in though, against us. USA will get restless for their inability since its too much of a pain especially since all the 3 countries lack oil resources. Russia might not attack them, but still help us with missiles, aircraft, 0.1m resolution satellite imagery and maybe even a couple of subs.

it would be wishful thinking iff we think that russia will help us against china. at best we can expect moral support. But russia won't attack china. it might on the contrary train its guns on US if it attacks china.
i recently read that Indian experts in BPO technology are giving lessons and conducting classes for the pakistanis and that too in pakistan ..

One really cant understand that with the kind of attitude and the TRUST pakis hv showed .. y cant india simply stop sch acts which wd harm herself in the end ...?

y all the camaraderie from our side ...???
I agree with you Spacescreamer.... this is absolute madness.... all the stupid CBMs, peace this peace that.... what crap.

Pakistan does not know what peace means..... bloody asses.....

I say stop all this so called CBMs and close all relations with pak. Bring back the envoy and all Indians in pak and kick out all pakis from India. Tell them to stop Terrorism once and for all. We have to be strong.

My respect for Manmohan has gone down a lot in the past 2 yrs. First this Pak thing and then the reservation thing.

Now I know you guys will tell me that the PM had nothing to do with it and it was a collective cabinet decision.

Well, then what the f*** is the PM there for? If not to show that India is strong and a few harsh words?? He is too politically correct. Tht is his problem.
thank god nikhil you are not in foreign ministry :bleh:

while thats exactly how most would feel, this is just what we should not do. The best policy the world over is not to isolate but to engage. isolation breeds resentment and hatred. you think that you will progress and the people accross the border will like it. There will be resentment and anguish manifested by terrorism.

the way to tackle these issues is to make the country progress along with you. (not saying you start giving them donations.. but CBM's help. Isolation would mean envy from all the people and more terrorism. A failed state on the other hand would mean a sure shot nuke anyday. you can trust bin laden? i will trust mushy anyday over bin laden. by doing what you have said, the only thing that will happen is that whatever right minded people are there in pakistan, they will also lose their mind
A nuclear war is the last thing that we need right now. The hopes and dreams that have been built up a bit for economic progress since the last 6-7 years after liberlization would be completely shattered, and we will be left with nothing, except a mostly hugeless and poor population, not that we have an all elite, rich and smart population.

Something that would probably get us in the class of the poorest countries comparable to ethiopia,somalia.

Getting back to the progress that we have made till now would probably take us another 100 years.

Makes me shudder to think of a nuclear war disaster.
BTW, this is old news. There is nothing new in this - I read this many years ago, and when I aked my father about it, he said this was something they thought of years ago. Basically they just want us to go down with them.

Safin, I disagree with you. We have given them too much leeway. CBMs are necessary, but what you don't realise is that these things must come from their side!!! Who attacked our parliament? They did! So they need to do something first, in return for which we can do something for them. They never compromise on any issue - why should we?

1. They demanded that the bus service be without passports. We caved in.

2. We offered free treatment to Pakistani children, seeing as how we have better medical facilities. Musharraf then returns the offer, by offering free treatment to "the orphans and widows of Indian Army attrocities in Kashmir". He should f*** off.
Amol said:
Something that would probably get us in the class of the poorest countries comparable to ethiopia,somalia.
Getting back to the progress that we have made till now would probably take us another 100 years.

Makes me shudder to think of a nuclear war disaster.
Hmmmm.. indeed but people living in mumbai, delhi and bangaluru should not worry about that.
KingKrool said:
BTW, this is old news. There is nothing new in this - I read this many years ago, and when I aked my father about it, he said this was something they thought of years ago. Basically they just want us to go down with them.

Safin, I disagree with you. We have given them too much leeway. CBMs are necessary, but what you don't realise is that these things must come from their side!!! Who attacked our parliament? They did! So they need to do something first, in return for which we can do something for them. They never compromise on any issue - why should we?

1. They demanded that the bus service be without passports. We caved in.

2. We offered free treatment to Pakistani children, seeing as how we have better medical facilities. Musharraf then returns the offer, by offering free treatment to "the orphans and widows of Indian Army attrocities in Kashmir". He should f*** off.

its highly unlikely that this is government viewpoint.

Every general of pakistan throws out a googly after retiring..(you should remember they have to cater to their domestic environment also)

anyway this was quite common on both sides actually.

if you go to IMA passout parade, you will hear some even better wordings from our side.(i had the pleasure of going to one ;) ) or for that matter any passing out parade of new recruits we have every 6 months at our base.

somethings are rhetoric and well one should leave them at just that
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