Pakistan and its allegations

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Pakistani ki @$@%&#$%#.

Bloody buggers after all those flip-flops have now started their counter allegations against India:mad: :mad: :mad:

All now Pakistan wants to do is to carry this War cries all around the world tat India is going to attack us etc and then counter allege that India is planning attack's in Pakistan and thus moving away from the main issue of dismantling the terror establisment in their country:mad: :mad:

"Indian spy" held by Intelligence Agencies

LAHORE: Intelligence agencies late Wednesday arrested an Indian secret agent and two others who were allegedly involved in the blast of GOR area in Lahore on Wednesday morning, Geo T.V reported Wednesday late night.

He was identified as Sutish Anand Sharma a resident of Indian city Calcutta, while confessing his hand in GOR blast, he also disclosed about his other three associates hiding somewhere in Pakistan, police said.

Police have recovered three fake national identity cards, three letters and other explosive material and devices from his possession. Agencies arrested him from GOR Lahore by tracing and tapping his telephone calls, added agency sources.

Police sources said that Indian held terrorist was a former employee of Indian High Commission in London and was currently living in Pakistan in disguise of Muneer.

In course of preliminary investigation, the heinous Indian terrorist informed that he along with his other associates were also plotting to strike terrorist attacks on innocent Christians on the eve of Christmas in different cities of Punjab.

Pakistan seeks closure of 'terror cells' in India

ISLAMABAD/ NEW DELHI: Apparently opening up a new front, Pakistan's parliament has urged the world community to press India for closing what it terms terror cells and to stop its anti-Pakistan "propaganda" in the wake of the Mumbai carnage.

A resolution, moved by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Malik Ahmad in the National Assembly (NA) Wednesday "has urged the global community to press India to close terror hubs and stop anti-Pakistan propaganda", The News reported on its website.

The resolution also said that Pakistan wants peace and stability in the region and the end of tension with India.

"The resolution stated that Mumbai attacks reflected the failure of Indian intelligence; therefore, India should stop blaming Pakistan," The News said.

The assembly session was adjourned after passing the resolution.

Meanwhile, former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif has said he would personally request President Asif Ali Zardari to take "stern action" if India furnished evidence of the involvement of Pakistani territory in the Mumbai attacks that claimed at least 170 lives, 26 of them foreigners.

Speaking at a Christmas cake-cutting ceremony at the Punjab Chief Minister's Secretariat at Lahore Tuesday, "he believed the Pakistan government had no link to the blasts", The News reported Wednesday.

Sharif, whose brother Shahbaz Sharif is the chief minister of the Punjab province, also "warned" the Indian and Pakistani leaderships against making "irresponsible statements" as this would "further aggravate the situation".

"He said if the Indian government did not have any evidence, then it should avoid creating tensions in the region through fake allegations," The News reported.

Sharif maintained that "it would be better for the future of both countries" to resolve their differences through dialogue, adding that Pakistan wanted friendly and peaceful relations with India and was committed to helping India in hunting down the perpetrators of the Mumbai outrage.

Pakistani senators have also urged a review of the country's role in the war on terror and even suggested the redeployment of troops from the Afghanistan border in the light of heightened tensions with India.

"Taking part in the discussion (Tuesday) on the security situation, they underlined the need for launching a diplomatic initiative to tell the world that Pakistan was a responsible country and expose 'baseless allegations' being hurled by India in the aftermath of the Mumbai carnage," Dawn reported Wednesday.

"They rejected as a cock and bull story the claim by India that a group of 10 people had travelled on a boat from Karachi to reach Mumbai for carrying out the attack," the newspaper added.

On his part, the US defence chief has admitted that the Mumbai terror attacks have jeopardised operations against the Taliban in the remote parts of Pakistan.

The attacks were a tactical operation that had strategic effects, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen told reporters on the flight home after a visit to Pakistan.

It placed progress against Taliban extremists using safe havens in Pakistan's remote areas in jeopardy, he said.

Before the attack in Mumbai, the Pakistani government began operations in Bajaur on the border with Afghanistan, Mullen pointed out.

During his trip, Mullen met top military and intelligence officials in Pakistan including army chief Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, and director-general of Inter-Services Intelligence Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha and apparently discussed the Mumbai atatcks.

"It was a good, positive meeting, and it continues our relationship," Mullen said, according to a report on the US defence department website. "I'm not going to get into specifics of what we discussed, but I am encouraged."

US officials believe extremists from the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba used the safe havens along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, to finance, plan and train for the Nov 26 Mumbai terror attack.

Pakistan says Indian troops opened fire in Kashmir region

Islamabad, Dec 24, IRNA

Police in Pakistan's administered Kashmir say that Indian forces fired into its territory along the Line of Control (LoC), which divides the two countries in the disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistan and India had announced ceasefire along LoC in November 2003 and guns had been almost silence since then.

A police officer in Bhimber district in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir Ibrar Haider said that Indian forces fired from its part into Chum sector in Pakistani Kashmir late last night.

There was no information of any casualty, Haider said.

This is the first claim by Pakistani officials of firing after the last month Mumbai attacks, which India alleges were planned and carried out by Pakistani militants.

Haider said that Indian troops used small weapons and the firing started at 8:45 p.m., and continued for 15 minutes. He said no one was killed or injured.

Tension mounted between Pakistan and India after the November 26 Mumbai attacks as New Delhi blamed two Pakistani militant groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamaat-ud-Dawaa for carrying out these attacks.

Incidents of exchange of fire along the LoC take place time to time but it is the first time Pakistan alleged of Indian firing after the Mumbai attacks.

Exchange of firing has been limited on check posts so far, which has not affected people living on both sides of the LoC. However, Pakistani officials had alleged in September of Indian firing in Hajeera sector, injuring a woman.

Pakistani fighter jets started monitoring the LoC and border areas with India on Monday due to growing tension with India over Mumbai attacks.

Spokesman for the Pakistan Air force Air (PAF) Commodore Hamayun Waqar says, "In view of the situation, PAF has enhanced vigilance." Pakistani fighter planes were seen hovering over the capital Islamabad, the neighboring garrison city of Rawalpindi, the eastern border city of Lahore and areas near LoC in Kashmir.

MODs:They can close this thread if they find it offensive but I would like to remain it open
Did you hear Daler Mehndi's New Unreleased Album Song "some news channel flashed it's clippings"

Taliban offering to help army...and army says we had misunderstanding against taliban...u r welcome.....

Plus army has briefed zardari to retract from earlier statement of no use of 1st nuclear weapon....As they also know within 4 hours air force of pakistan can b destroyed......

What pakistan is trying is creating hype that war is ard......and since global recession is on world will come to sort the matter......but it is clear america wont come because the gravity of mumbai attack only deserve striking back at camps in pok and pak....and india is trying the right method of using diplomacy power for the world to strike on pakistan with minimum damage to itself.....if taliban and pakistan soldiers move from their west post to indian site...

america need to send army to afganistan for saving its again 70% of afganistan is within taliban china this time wont come to help pakistan at this juncture as this will make us,uk,russia unhappy or problem for the chinese.....
India is not doing anything about it and the world knows that India is a soft state which can be pushed around...

GameNome said:
they are a laughing stock,nobody will give any importance to these claims
the thing is that pak as a nation... is acting like one single body internationally on this matter...

where as india is busy discussing what is supposed to be done about future attacks...n how dawood is getting addicted to drugs n etc....no1 is really givin a shit abt what has happened unless they are under media coverage.

the worst thing that can happen is india will end up givin justification to claims pak is making.

there needs to be a retirement age limit in da parliment too.
Let them cry let them allege.. n let them thank god that we are a peace loving nation.. but deep down even they know that if we lose our cool pakistan would be crushed right under our feet...
Pakistan is a getting really desperate.... From the looks of it a war between India and Pakistan is imminent......

Even if so much of the sound of of Manmohan singh's fart reaches Pakistan's ears they will go nuclear..... There will be unnecessary loss of lives.. IF PAKISTAN STRIKES FIRST (which I am sure is going to be the case since the country s ruled and controlled by low IQ pricks who would take days to complete a two piece jigsaw puzle and who think anything Indian is "Haraam"), then India will surely reply and PAkistan might just dissappear from the face of the earth .... But before that happens India will get pushed back by a hundred years.... I don't think it is worth it.....

The other day I read in a newspaper that India said it does not need foreign help for this matter.... Well IT DOES.... I am sure India will be able to defend itself from any attack of Pakistan but WAR will be harmful to India and might very well mean the end of Pakistan as a country......

India should resort to other methods negotiate with US to stop the aid that pakistan is getting from them....

Right now anything that Pakistan says does not mean SHIT .... Nobody is going to take pakistan seriously (Nobody ever has).....

They want "ample proof".. THEY SAY.....

I don't think any more proof is required... What are they expecting a s3x tape of Kasab and Z@rd@ri or do they want to see the Pakistani seal on Kasab's dick......

If they keep playing these dumb games then pretty soon there will be a MODERN WARFARE breaking out between the two countries....
scarezebra said:
Pakistan is a getting really desperate.... From the looks of it a war between India and Pakistan is imminent......

Even if so much of the sound of of Manmohan singh's fart reaches Pakistan's ears they will go nuclear..... There will be unnecessary loss of lives.. IF PAKISTAN STRIKES FIRST (which I am sure is going to be the case since the country s ruled and controlled by low IQ pricks who would take days to complete a two piece jigsaw puzle and who think anything Indian is "Haraam"), then India will surely reply and PAkistan might just dissappear from the face of the earth .... But before that happens India will get pushed back by a hundred years.... I don't think it is worth it.....

The other day I read in a newspaper that India said it does not need foreign help for this matter.... Well IT DOES.... I am sure India will be able to defend itself from any attack of Pakistan but WAR will be harmful to India and might very well mean the end of Pakistan as a country......

India should resort to other methods negotiate with US to stop the aid that pakistan is getting from them....

Right now anything that Pakistan says does not mean SHIT .... Nobody is going to take pakistan seriously (Nobody ever has).....

They want "ample proof".. THEY SAY.....

I don't think any more proof is required... What are they expecting a s3x tape of Kasab and Z@rd@ri or do they want to see the Pakistani seal on Kasab's dick......

If they keep playing these dumb games then pretty soon there will be a MODERN WARFARE breaking out between the two countries....

Can not, just can not agree more ;)
The only way to actually "win" a war against Pakistan is to destroy/gain control of their nukes. After that, just go and annihilate the whole effing place.
Trying to look for a source of that 30 day deadline all i found was a cache to a recent stratfor article.

Geopolitical Diary: Countdown to a Crisis on the Subcontinent
December 23, 2008 | 0255 GMT
The week began with a series of signals from New Delhi that India’s restraint in taking military action against Pakistan is no longer guaranteed. In fact, such action could very well be imminent.

In a press conference Monday, Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that while India “has so far acted with utmost restraint,” it will “explore all options” in pressuring Pakistan to deal with Islamist militancy. The same day, Indian media reported that Indian troops and the air force’s Quick Reaction Teams had deployed along the border with Pakistan, with commandos reinforced at airstrips in Jaisalmer and Uttarlai in Rajasthan and Bhuj in Gujarat. The Pakistani military, meanwhile, reportedly went on a heightened state of alert, with reports of air force jets scrambling in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

Over the past few weeks, India has played a complex diplomatic game, issuing a series of statements that seemingly downplayed the likelihood of military action against Pakistan in response to the Nov. 26 Mumbai attacks, while making a point in the public sphere that New Delhi was focused on using diplomatic tools to pressure Islamabad. While New Delhi’s behavior led many to believe that the threat of war had subsided, Stratfor maintained that Indian military operations were being prepared, and that New Delhi’s plan was first to exhaust its diplomatic options before engaging in any kind of military action. India’s restraint, in large part, was attributed to its talks with the United States, which would much rather not see the nuclear-armed rivals come to blows when the Americans are fighting an uphill battle against al Qaeda and Taliban forces in the region.

But time is running out for Pakistan.

Reliable sources -— whose information on this issue cannot be verified at this time -— have told us that in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, New Delhi relayed a message to the Pakistanis via the United States, saying they would be given 30 days to crack down on Islamist militant proxies on Pakistani soil that continue to threaten India. While India used the time to prep its military forces, the United States came down hard on Pakistan behind the scenes, making clear that if Islamabad did not deliver, Washington would not be able to stand in New Delhi’s way if and when the time came for India to act. The Pakistanis carried out a few raids targeting militant leaders and Pakistani intelligence operatives, making a few arrests, but did nothing that substantially reduced the threat to India, from New Delhi’s point of view. And even if Pakistan’s government was prepared to accede to India’s demands in full, it could go only so far in placating New Delhi before its efforts to avoid an international crisis created a domestic one.

The deadline given to Islamabad, as far as we know, is Dec. 26, making Indian military action against Pakistan a very real and near possibility. The Indians have had a month to prepare their operations, and Indian defense sources have revealed that these plans are ready to go into effect. With no one in New Delhi really expecting that Pakistan has either the political will -— or perhaps even the capability —- to meet Indian and U.S. demands, we now need to examine how far India will take this military campaign, and to what extent U.S. operations in Afghanistan will be affected.

The answer to these questions is still unclear. Discussions are occurring within Indian defense circles about an escalatory military campaign, beginning with largely symbolic strikes in Pakistan-administered Kashmir against militant training camps and offices. Depending on Pakistan’s ability to respond, pressure could then be increased with precision air strikes in Pakistan’s urban areas —- to include the capital —- against intelligence facilities and militant leadership hideouts. The option of a naval blockade, which would cut off the main U.S. supply line into Afghanistan, has also been tossed around. While a blockade would put the already cash-strapped Pakistan in an economic choke-hold, doing so inevitably would cause friction in India’s relationship with Washington.

But the United States knows the limits to its relationship with New Delhi and is already preparing for a worst-case scenario. For the past month, the U.S. military has been stockpiling supplies for its forces in Afghanistan in anticipation of a major interruption. The trick for the United States, however, is to find an alternate supply route that avoids the problem of having to deal with a resurgent Russia, which would relish the thought of having U.S. military operations dependent on its good graces. There really are no good options, but the United States is working on solving this issue by devising an alternate, albeit much longer, supply arrangement from Turkey to Central Asia through the Caucasus that would help back-fill supplies that have already been stockpiled.

Pakistan’s best defense at this point is to continue pinning blame on militants that have escaped Islamabad’s control while making the case that further destabilization in Pakistan would only exacerbate the U.S.-jihadist war. But with the United States coming up with alternate supply routes and India under the impression that Pakistan has more control over these militants than it claims, Pakistan’s defense is growing weaker by the day. From where we stand, the window for diplomacy is closing, and a crisis on the Indian subcontinent is rapidly approaching.
Till the time USA continues to believe that Pakistan is their 'ally' against the 'war on terror', nothing is going to happen. If America stops its aid, Pakistan will completely collapse. But no........ USA still believes Pakistan is helping them while Pakistan contines to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds!
blr_p said:
All this talk is because they were given 30 days to come clean..

Tomorrow makes 30 days :)

You expect the Indian government to take any kind of action after tomorrow??:rofl: :hap5: . Yeah, the same government that doesnt hang Afzal after being told to do so by the Supreme Court.
paraman said:
If America stops its aid, Pakistan will completely collapse. But no........ USA still believes Pakistan is helping them while Pakistan contines to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds!

Where do you think the supply lines for troops in Afghanistan goes through ?

Recall that a cpl of weeks ago a consignment of arms got attacked on its way there.

A little warning perhaps, to the US not to push too hard on this issue ;)
I have lost count of how many Flipflops have occured from Pakistani side in over a month ...the Latest being tat idiot Nawaz Sharif who first says that Kasab is pakistani and he has checked himself and now does a U-Turn after getting screwed by the Army tat India needs to give proof..i mean WTF...are they trying to enact some Bhojpuri film to the world:mad::mad:

With so many centers of Power(Army n ISI) and with that puppet Democratic govt and idiot Pres Zardari,they are just beating around the bush and trying to move away from the main thing of pickin up those so called MF Jehadis and instead are creating a war hysteria in an attempt to save those jehadi @$$:mad: :mad: :mad:
From what seems so far , even if a war happens it will take some time.

Before that the paki military will overthrow their Govt in a military coup.

Once that happens they will openly talk of war.

But when that happens USA will take control of the paki nukes ( which have been populated to be "2" ) to avoid any nukes being used.

Next 6 months are very crucial. We may have a long drawn battle ahead of us.

But if that happens India should not stop before the job is "complete".

PS - I hope i sound better than Zaid Hamid (google him up)
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