Graphic Cards Palit 9600 gso temperature


While playing games like cod4, the temperature of my Palit 9600 gso 768 mb shoots upto 75 - 80. In idle state, it is around 64 - 65. Are these temperatures way too high? I have cleaned the fan of the gpu, but it hasn't helped. What measures should I take?
Temps. are a bit on the higher side yet within safe limits.
If you use a good quality Thermal paste on the HS idle temps won't go beyond 55 on idle and ~70 on load even in a cramped case.
If your case is cramped, check whether the wires are restricting the air flow from the fan to the GFX card if yes then try to optimize the the temperature is just a tad bit on the high end..but nothing to worry about, if u ask me...anyway if you are still not satisfied remove the side of the cabinet :)...i do that, even though i have a measly 8500 gt :eek:hyeah:...
sometimes the easiest way out is the best way out too :D