Pan Card Help Required


Hey guys can U please help me to fill the PAN CARD forum for new application i.e 49(A)

ok My name is Sachin B R

So my doubt is how should I fill in my PAN card

What should be First Name, Middle Name and Last/Sir Name ??

Please help me on this
With the application you will be submitting some form of age/address proof document. Your name should be same as mentioned in the proof document that you are submitting. If the document has initials, expand them in the PAN application form.
You can have the first name as SACHIN, the middle name as B (the initial or expand it if you wish to) and the last name/surname as R..... (enter the whole name here; no initials allowed).

They have specifically mentioned this under Item No. 2:

Name, if abbreviated, should necessarily contain the last name.

Did you go through the link above? It has everything specified very clearly.