Parcel sent to SNS USA still not received?

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I had purchased a mobile from ebay a few days back and was shipped by USPS, USPS estimated delivery date was 12th Dec 2012, when I check the tracking it says its in transit and estimated delivery is 12th December (Please don't tell me its 2013)

I mailed SNS and they say they cannot contact USPS, its my headache.

What am I supposed to do.
^^ Better to contact the Ebay seller and USPS. Holiday season is the prime time for parcels going missing, so you wouldn't want to take any chances.
eBay covers you for such cases, dont worry. As long as the package hasnt reached SNS you are safe(coz paypal will take your side and refund you the money).
Hmm, seems it has reached NY (Not SNS Warehouse, but USPS NY), now I have the following queries.

-Assume, the mobile + SNS shipping comes to 9800 INR, will I be charged the 2.06 percent duty?
-How long does it take once the stuff is dispatched from sns USA to my home in India (Mumbai to be specific)? (Assume I have sent the purchase paypal receipt to their email ID already)
-A last question, is anyone damn sure that the duty on phones is 2.06 percent and not something like "Depends on the customs mood"?

Thanks in advance

- Yes, 99.9% chance for duty being charged. Duty free clearance doesn't really happen nowadays.
- 5 days+, depends on your luck especially during the holiday season when the package volume is high. Every year during this time there are lot of delays with SnS
- Yes, 100% sure. The duty is 2.x% of the customs assessed value for mobile phones.
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two months back i brought two Motorola photons for about 260$ and they never reached SNS NY. the seller was a fraud!!! luckily Ebay protection saved my A$$! hope nothing of such sort happens to you.!

- Yes, 99.9% chance for duty being charged. Duty free clearance doesn't really happen nowadays.
- 5 days+, depends on your luck especially during the holiday season when the package volume is high. Every year during this time there are lot of delays with SnS
- Yes, 100% sure. The duty is 2.x% of the customs assessed value for mobile phones.
I hope they clear it soon as there are some stuffs that hasn't been launched in India :p
I don't mind paying duty, but I do mind waiting a month for something that should turn up in a few days.
two months back i brought two Motorola photons for about 260$ and they never reached SNS NY. the seller was a fraud!!! luckily Ebay protection saved my A$$! hope nothing of such sort happens to you.!
Nah I checked the feedback of sellers, 50+ and all 100% positive, nobody does sh*t on genuine accounts, even if its hacked Ebay protection's there, but first secure move is to make sure the seller has good feedback :)

- - - Updated - - -

I was under the impression that stuff under 10k (Incl courier charges) is duty free?
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@Montana007 I too had checked the seller's ratings it was around 300+ but I didn't look closely. it was all buyer and not a single one was for a seller. that's when I panicked and raised an issue with eBay when there was no response from the seller.
Just an update, 1 of the parcels arrived at SNS warehouse at 12.17PM on Sunday and as usual it was closed so USPS guys left a message, should I do anything or SNS will handle it?

- - - Updated - - -

Notice Left (Business Closed)
December 16, 2012, 12:17 pm
Expected Delivery By:
December 12, 2012
Delivery Confirmationâ„¢
Lol hope so as its for a relative of mine who is pretty excited, and was a bit turned off when I informed that delivery is delayed due to Santaclaus season in USA :p and its beyond my control.

- - - Updated - - -

I hope it comes in this week :D.
Anyone using an Electrify on Reliance CDMA sim with ICS?, does it work?
Funny things happening

1 - Parcel "A" received on 17th Dec 2012 at 10.11am, added to my account instantly
2 - Parcel "B" received on 17th Dec 2012 at 10.22 am, added to my account on 18th Dec 2012
Now Parcel "B" leaves US for Dubai (I guess they route stuff to India via Dubai) on 19th while Parcel "A" is still showing "In account", weird and funny lol.
Do not want to scare you, but one very bad experience happened with me.

I also ordered one phone worth 8400 but neither seller nor SnS paste the value sticker on the front box. This happened when I had specifically mentioned to SnS that please put that sticker (ebay receipt) on the package as the seller did not do that. So customs in Mumbai opened the box. So they put some random value, which in my case was Rs. 20000, as custom assessed value and charged duty on it.

SnS did not helped me with this and said they can't do anything. One additional bad thing happened with me is there is octroi in Pune which is 4% for electronic items. So I was charged whooping Rs. 800 based on the custom assessed value. :(
Do not want to scare you, but one very bad experience happened with me.

I also ordered one phone worth 8400 but neither seller nor SnS paste the value sticker on the front box. This happened when I had specifically mentioned to SnS that please put that sticker (ebay receipt) on the package as the seller did not do that. So customs in Mumbai opened the box. So they put some random value, which in my case was Rs. 20000, as custom assessed value and charged duty on it.

SnS did not helped me with this and said they can't do anything. One additional bad thing happened with me is there is octroi in Pune which is 4% for electronic items. So I was charged whooping Rs. 800 based on the custom assessed value. :(

And did you send the Paypal payment receipt or the proof showing that you paid Rs. 8000/- to the seller, to SNS people via email?
If no, don't blame anyone but yourself.
Its not the job of SNS to value your merchandise, they are only its carriers, if you as a buyer do not prove that you paid Rs. 8k for the commodity, its not unusual that customs will assess it at a lame value. Also its not the responsibility of the seller to put a printout of the purchase in the package, some may not have a printer.
As a buyer, its your job to inform the courier that you paid 8k.

This isn't limited to sns, but all services like sns (ppobox, icc, etc.,)
^^ I did indeed send SnS paypal receipt 2 days in advance. But they did not put that on it. Atleast they should have carried it with them when doing customs clearance. That also they did not do.

I fully investigated before making the purchase, still SnS messed up badly.
Where did you send the PP receipt to? (Email address, and did you cc Hassan?, I always do)
Also did you call up sns people over here to confirm the receipt of the email you send (since it wasn't added)
Not trying to be partial here but as a buyer its our responsibility to ensure that the customs guy doesn't get a chance to con us, if the case goes into a self assessment those a55holes will value a 5 year old phone at 20k and put a penalty of 41% for wrong declaration of value on the package. (Have been thru the sh*t myself)
1 of the packages sent to my local Aramex office at 2 pm or so but others still sleeping in the NY, sigh**
1 thing am happy about, customs charged at 2.xx% :) brilliant simply because I had sent my invoices of payment to india aramex address and a chap named Hassan ;) kept harassing him lol
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