0-20k partial upgrade of computer

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Q: What is your budget?

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 1.60GHz
Motherboard - Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
GPU - Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family 256MB memory(i think?).. otherwise GMA 3100
RAM - Dont know, but its 1 GB
Monitor - ViewSonic VA1716w SERIES
SMPS - dont know.
Internal HDD - Seagate ST3160215AS (6RA3JS7J)
(please mention the rest in above format)

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 1.60GHz
Motherboard - Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
GPU - Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family 256MB memory(i think?).. otherwise GMA 3100
Monitor - ViewSonic VA1716w SERIES
SMPS - dont know.

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
CPU - Intel Q9750
Motherboard - any compatible motherboard

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months - 1 year

2) Graphics Card
3) Mobo
4) Processor

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Bangalore; at SP Road
Open to online purchase(FlipKart)

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Desktop Processing
Download rig, 24x7 operation
Watching HD movies
Dual OS

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
FIFA 12/13
Any other game which will work on the computer

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Gaming - 1280x728
Desktop - 1440x900

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit
Linux - Ubuntu 12.10

Finally, i want to upgrade only the HDD and RAM right now. Other stuff, i will do so later. Please suggest viable options. After upgrading, what games will I be able to play? My computer has become really really slow right now. Will the upgrading help? Also i have read online that some RAMs cannot be used with particular MotherBoards/Processors. Can i buy a graphic card with the same Mobo? Will that work?
@mysticsasuke Consdering your budget i'd suggest you to get this-
Intel G630-3.5k
Intel DH61WW-3.2k
Corsair Value Ram 4GBX1-1k
You won't be able to overclock this processor,If you want add GPU and play latest titles then i'd suggest you to increase your budget and get an Intel i3 2120-6.4k processor.
There won't be any problem with ram,They all are compatible with your mobo,You can buy a GPU which will surely work with your motherboard.Can you tell us which SMPS you have?
If you are using a generic psu get this
Corsair GS 600 ~4k or
Corsair TX v2650W ~6k(much better than the above).
LaterCore i3 2120+B75+4gbram ~ 14k and a GPU depending on your budget(used gpu is also a choice).
The G630 might bottleneck since he's adding a good GPU considering he wants to play latest titles,If the budget constraints then G630 is the one OP will have to settle for.
^What's the big deal with G630 if he wants to game?

- - - Updated - - -

Considering the OP's budget for everything i don't think he'll need a 4-6k PSU,Max Seasonic S12ii 520W OR Corsair CX430V2 more than good enough.
If you are using a generic psu get this
Corsair GS 600 ~4k or
Corsair TX v2650W ~6k(much better than the above).
LaterCore i3 2120+B75 ~ 13k and a GPU depending on your budget.
The G630 might bottleneck since he's adding a good GPU considering he wants to play latest titles,If the budget constraints then G630 is the one OP will have to settle for.

Bottleneck ? At 1280x728/1440x900 resolutions ? Really ? Plus he never mentioned that he is gonna add a high end GPU which would result in bottleneck. G630 can handle upto mid range GPUs at much better resolution than OP mentioned.
I didn't say bottleneck on current configuration,OP won't stay @1280 Reso forever,He'll be upgrading many things in coming months,It's up to him what he's going to add but i think a dual core processor with Hyper-Threading would do a better job than G630 for longer period.
Bottleneck ? At 1280x728/1440x900 resolutions ? Really ? Plus he never mentioned that he is gonna add a high end GPU which would result in bottleneck. G630 can handle upto mid range GPUs at much better resolution than OP mentioned.
how do i check which SMPS i have?? i used some software to find the other details.

I didn't say bottleneck on current configuration,OP won't stay @1280 Reso forever,He'll be upgrading many things in coming months,It's up to him what he's going to add but i think a dual core processor with Hyper-Threading would do a better job than G630 for longer period.

how do i check which SMPS i have?? i used some software to find the other details.
I was thnking about Corsair Vengeance 4 GB ram. Is that compatible with my Mobo.? and right now i NEED to upgrade my HDD. any suggestions for that? how about cavair blue 500 GB? and suggest 1 TB alternates too.. Thank you :)
how do i check which SMPS i have?? i used some software to find the other details.

@mysticsasuke Consdering your budget i'd suggest you to get this-
Intel G630-3.5k
Intel DH61WW-3.2k
Corsair Value Ram 4GBX1-1k
You won't be able to overclock this processor,If you want add GPU and play latest titles then i'd suggest you to increase your budget and get an Intel i3 2120-6.4k processor.
There won't be any problem with ram,They all are compatible with your mobo,You can buy a GPU which will surely work with your motherboard.Can you tell us which SMPS you have?

I was thnking about Corsair Vengeance 4 GB ram. Is that compatible with my Mobo.? and right now i NEED to upgrade my HDD. any suggestions for that? how about cavair blue 500 GB? and suggest 1 TB alternates too.. Thank you :)
Open the sidepanel of your case and check the box on top left corner,It'll have name of the brand and how many watts it is that way you will know the details of the SMPS.The Corsair Vengeance is compatible with your mobo but you don't need those,Regular Corsair Value Ram would be good enough for your rig.
For HDD go for Segate 500GB 7200RPM-3.5k OR Segate 1TB 7200.14-4.8k.Hope this helps.
how do i check which SMPS i have?? i used some software to find the other details.
I was thnking about Corsair Vengeance 4 GB ram. Is that compatible with my Mobo.? and right now i NEED to upgrade my HDD. any suggestions for that? how about cavair blue 500 GB? and suggest 1 TB alternates too.. Thank you :)
Open the sidepanel of your case and check the box on top left corner,It'll have name of the brand and how many watts it is that way you will know the details of the SMPS.The Corsair Vengeance is compatible with your mobo but you don't need those,Regular Corsair Value Ram would be good enough for your rig.
For HDD go for Segate 500GB 7200RPM-3.5k OR Segate 1TB 7200.14-4.8k.Hope this helps.

I checked my SMPS and its Frontech ATX P4 JIL-2414B. My RAM is Transcend 1 GB DDR2. Also i checked the various specs of HDDs im considering. Il post the link below :
WD Caviar Blue 500 GB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (WD5000AAKX) vs Seagate Barracuda 500 GB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (ST500DM002) vs Seagate Barracuda 1 TB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (ST1000DM003) vs WD Caviar Green 1 TB Desktop Internal Hard Driv

According to it, the 1 TB Seagate HDD is slow in many departments. Please look at it and suggest.
Also, would vengeance be better or Corsair Value RAM? i might upgrade in the future.
Thank you..
You'd get a reliable SMPS as FSP SagaII 400W-1.9k OR Corsair CX430V2-2.4k no need to take a risk on your current PSU.About the HDD you should go for Segate 1TB OR WD Caviar Blue,The failure rate of WD Green HDD's is more so avoid that.The speeds of the HDD Transfer Rate will decrease as the size of the drive increases from 500GB to 1TB or 2TB,So 1TB will be little slower than 500GB but you'd stick Segate 1TB 7200.14-4.8k cause it's reliable than other.You can go for WD Caviar Blue 1TB if you get it,Cheers.
I checked my SMPS and its Frontech ATX P4 JIL-2414B. My RAM is Transcend 1 GB DDR2. Also i checked the various specs of HDDs im considering. Il post the link below :
WD Caviar Blue 500 GB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (WD5000AAKX) vs Seagate Barracuda 500 GB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (ST500DM002) vs Seagate Barracuda 1 TB Desktop Internal Hard Drive (ST1000DM003) vs WD Caviar Green 1 TB Desktop Internal Hard Driv

According to it, the 1 TB Seagate HDD is slow in many departments. Please look at it and suggest.
Also, would vengeance be better or Corsair Value RAM? i might upgrade in the future.
Thank you..
Corsair VS450 450 Watts PSU vs Corsair CMPSU-430CXV2UK 430 Watts PSU vs Cooler Master Thunder 450W 450 Watts PSU: Compare PSUs: Flipkart.com - which is better and which do i need?

Well I should use either of the combinations :

Combination 1 :
1) Corsair Vengeance - Rs 1510
2) Corsair PSU - 2703
3) Seagate Barracuda 1 TB - 4762
Total : 8975

Combination 2 :
1) Corsair Value RAM - 1231
2) Corsair PSU - 2703
3) WD Cavair Blue 500 GB - 3641
Total : 7575

The first combination is way outside my budget :| .. Please suggest other combinations that can be used too. 2nd combination is outside my budget too :( . Though a little better. Again please suggest combinations :) .. Thank you

Note : these prices are from Flipkart and are inclusive of all taxes. I requested quotations from various stores on SP road, and while some prices(incl taxes) are definitely lower than flipkart, others are more. Hence the total price will be somewhat same.
Go with Combination 2,It's impossible to get everything within 6k,You'll have add extra bucks if you want to get 500GB HDD,For PSU go with Corsair CX430V2 avoid VS40W.You might get cheaper quotes locally but getting cpu+mobo with combination 2 will cost you 10-11k.
Combination 2 :
1) Corsair Value RAM - 1231
2) Corsair PSU - 2703
3) WD Cavair Blue 500 GB - 3641
Total : 7575

The first combination is way outside my budget :| .. Please suggest other combinations that can be used too. 2nd combination is outside my budget too :( . Though a little better. Again please suggest combinations :) .. Thank you

Note : these prices are from Flipkart and are inclusive of all taxes. I requested quotations from various stores on SP road, and while some prices(incl taxes) are definitely lower than flipkart, others are more. Hence the total price will be somewhat same.
Hey i will be buying the components by the end of the week. With the corsair PSU, what sort of games will i be able to play, assuming that i buy a good Graphics Card and change motherboard and processor? i want to know because i shouldnt change the psu again in the future when im updating.. will i b able to play BF3 etc?? r owuld u suggest another PSU?
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