Partition Lost ..os Me...

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A Nobody.
Sorry if I am screaming but I have to.this is wat happened.

Last night I tried to install xp and vista.

I couldn't find my sp2 disc so I used another xp sp3 slip streamed disc, which also have some othr apps in it too.

I selected and formatted only one partition as ntfs. I am sure coz I did it a million times.the installation over and I clicked my comp and I can't find my last 3 50gb partitions. They are showing as a single 145gb free space.wat happened ?????..

I tried to use acronis disc director 10 to recovervthem,if I can. Bur aftr installation when I click the i con in desktop or start menu it just runs as a pgrm. I can't see any window. I tried opening a no. Of instance but no me please.

During the xp pre-install format the other partitions were correct.

Now I am yet to try the acronis disc director boot disc, hope works.

Then I installed vista. And I have no dual boot menu. Wat is that?..

1. I observed tht at the os post-loading ther shows a mbr error or gdlr something .dunno it changes fast and I see a dualboot like menu for a sec.but it goes on to xp

2.I see a bootsect.bak file in vistapartition. I opened it. It says as read disc error, boot disc error somethings like tht.

3.I can't run the disc director here before.

Please help me...those partitions have lOts of photos..and loads was not backed up..... Thinking it was in another partition.....but....

I haven't formatted it or anything ..please help me .....

Awww...that would have hurt

Try grabbing a UBCD ISO and boot off it

It has a bunch of partition info tools, including a partition recovery tool (albeit a demo version but will at least show if you have recoverable partitions)

if you do see recoverable partitions, **buy a license for the tool and recover your partitions ;)
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man... thnx for the reply...

but that is not helping... please guys

that partitions contain years of family cant loose it...
What error/message did you get from the partition recovery tool on UBCD?

It wouldn't help unless you post back what partition info does that tool show

I have been lucky so far in terms of not losing data in a such a big way so can't talk from 1st hand experience, but take a look at this wiki page

SpinRite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read through it and you'll find the names of several data recovery tools incl. a brief description on what each excels at (e.g. I presume you need to recover several files of the same type, e.g. Jpegs and docs, so you could take alook at Get Data Back: Data Recovery, Email Recovery and File Repair Software)
i havent used the that useful..i have abt a year old ubcd... will that detect my seagte sata hdd???

i dont know..
Try PTTD "Partition table Doctor " on 145GB single drive by rebuilding partition table in manual mode for recovering lost partitions.
UBCD is a collection of tools Jerin.

It also has a good set of HDD partition and partition recovery tools.

Give that a shot first.

Did u check ur Device Manager? Sometimes, after a format or recovery, the OS can't detect all the partitions and just moves them as unknown devices.

If u search for them in device manager, Vista will bring them back and on rebooting u'll have all ur partitions. I hope this helps.
Just a question:

U are not able to run Acronis Disk Director. Isn't it? Are u sure u did install it completely and did a reboot just after that. Usually while installation, Disk Director checks all the partitions and then completes installation.
If u have done it correctly, and still not getting it. Try to uninstall and do it again. It mite work...
Also try running in Administrative mode and compatibility on.

Still if it fails, get this:

Partition Table Doctor V3.5 Personal Edition
Free download EASEUS Data Recovery software, Partition Recovery Software, Partition Manager and Data Backup Software.

Here are some ways to recover the partitions using this software
EASEUS Partition Table Doctor Features

Try these and then get back with the results mate. :)

BTW bootsect.bak is nothing for u to mess around with. It's just a backup file of the boot sector of ur OS. Dat's it. Don't try to modify it et all. :no:
I know but did u check its limitations? It mite be able to do the job or atleast find whether there are any recoverable partitions. Den u can find a way around to get it. :)

And remember do not write too much on the HDD now till u recover the partition. :) Keep it as it is just to be safe.
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It is going to depend on if you did a quick format or a full format... as to how easy this is going to be for you.

If you have Acronis Disk Manager installed, didn't you make an Acronis Boot Disk during installation? If not I will make an ISO of it for you as it is pretty small and upload it.

Last friday night

I was running vista and i didnt had nero for

.. i installed XP..then Acronis disc director 10 and recovered all my partitions...just 30 mts and couple of click.... hehhee

thnx everyone for pitching in...esp supercazr ..clown... +1 .. reps added..

but still i have no idea why it happened. there were 3 1MB free spaces after each drive..i had no idea they existed...

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