Storage Solutions Partitioning Problem


I have WD 5000 AAKS and while installing Vista for the First time on it i faced 0x8004240f error while repartitioning its Partitions which resulted into one of my very big partitions

-+- "cannot create new partition from this unpartitioned space" -+-

well then i booted from my XP cd and it could at-least create it usable new Partition but still the prob is that out of my 6 partitions i fiddled with first 3

out of which First one being C: 71 gb of windows

and other two being of 71 & 65 gb

i wanted to reduce C and give it to other two


C was like somekind of locked in 71 gb, when i deleted C drive, rather than getting merger with other Unpartioned space other two Drives, it remained as Unpartitioned space of 71 gb

And even the other 2 drives' 136 remained as one more Unpartitioned space

And that unusable 8mb was 3rd Unpartitioned space

Tell me what this is and how to rectify it

Thanks for Helping me In Advance!@!