Storage Solutions Partitions not showing in winxp

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i have 2 hard disks...1 western digital 80 gb which has the os...

i got another 30gb samsung hdd from a friend who had winxp and some stuff on wasnt working properly so i installed it in my pc as a secondary master drive

windows detected it and installed it...but "my computer" doesnt show it at all...but device manager shows it as working properly...i think it has some bad sectors...acronis disk director shows an error readin from it..

is there any program to remove the bad sectors...i tried western digitals data lifeguard ran some tests and said no problem found...

help please :huh:
right click on my computer --> manage --> disk management & see if the hdd is there..

& if it is there..see if a drive letter is alloted .. if not . right click on the partition & assign it yourself. :)
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