Passive Sub/ 12 " Driver for HT use

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Enclave Plus
I'm heading over to Chennai next week, and since i got some extra cash, was thinking on blowing it on some better Bass. Ever since i got my EP 630, The bass from my sub just doesn't cut it :(

It's a sony Xplod 12" car sub driver

pic :

What can i get for about 5~7K which can give some well defined bass?

It's a ported enclosure I'm using now, so i guess it wont be the tightest bass there is , but the what I'm currently getting is too vague :S

and where in chennai( i guess Ritchie street), Which shops can i get a replacement 12 incher ? It's being driven off a 150W RMS conventional Mono block Amp. I guess something Bolton/ dainty , and preferably made of paper should be what i can get hold of. is anything else /better available ? what about a JBL car sub?
^ What exactly do you want ? :S

If your looking for a sub for a HT amp, get something like the Wharfedale Diamond SW150 or the Yamaha SW215.

What amp are you planning on connecting it to, what's the crossover frequency ??
its a homemade ordinary class B amp, which i guess has about 100~125 W RMS . Its fed by the LFE out of my Audigy 2ZS. I usually set crosover at about 80~100 hz

i already have an enclosure, just want to put a better sounding driver( methinks anything should sound better than a sony Xplod :D)
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I've seen the Bolton/Dainty stuff in Ritchie street, and they're cheap stuff if i'm not mistaken. Definitely not the type you'd want to pick up, they've got the same fancy colored cones like the Xplod and i highly doubt they sound as good as they look :P

I have very little clue about the drivers/brands available out here (Folks like say sangram might know better!). I do know its a sin to use car based subwoofers in a HT setup, but yes something like a JBL should be better and not that expensive compared to the other options you're considering. The one advantage the car based subs have is that they're optimised for high efficiency (dB/W) which would mean they're easy to drive with a mediocre amp, but the higher efficiency sacrifices audio quality in the process.

For optimal bass reproduction, you need to design your enclosure for the driver not the other way round. So whatever new driver you pick up, you should probably look at modifying/designing a new enclosure to suit its parameters. A bad enclosure can make a lot of difference.

And again i hope the DIY monoblock amp you have is upto the task ;) . Else its probably not the speaker at fault, but your amp not having enough juice to run the speaker full throttle.

In short i would recommend lookin at all 3 components to find the weak spot - driver, enclosure, and amp :)

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greenhorn said:
i already have an enclosure, just want to put a better sounding driver( methinks anything should sound better than a sony Xplod :D)

In that case, if your looking for a car sub, you should check JBL / Pioneer / Rockford Fosgate / Soundstream / Kicker

@ eddy - lol

@ grenhorn - JBL / Pioneer will fit in. get the mounting done by a pro, vibrations will kill the sound.

All the best !
the car audio sub and a home audio sub are made quite different....the car audio sub will not be able to perform well in a home envoirment because of it thiele parameters like Vas and Qts ......

If you us a car audio sub it will need a smaller room to make it sound good like in a car cabin but in a room of 14 feet x 14 feet there will be a lots and lots of weak spots with a car audio sub because of this designed....I would recommend to get a ready made product to satisfy your bass needs...

like crazy eddy stated.....In short i would recommend lookin at all 3 components to find the weak spot - driver, enclosure, and amp

if one bad thing in a chain the whole chain will break.....
thanks for all your replies folks.. i know that using a car sub was a bad idea. i meant the JBL as a sort of last resort. I know that the a car interior is not acoustically the same as a room. but back then in college, i didnt have a lot of options :ashamed:. I had a choice between a bolton/dainty sub or the xplod.. I didnt know that Xplod was just the brand and little else :P . My opinion about bolton/dainty aint that bad, i mean , the woofers on my floorstanders are bolton or dainty(forgot which) and yet they sound better than this sony :| , i mean, even if i disable the crossover and route full bass to the fronts, they sound really good, pity they cant play at the levels i like . I remember folks saying dainty looked better while bolton sounded better. Especially after using a 6" polymer dainty woofer in a friend's system,i can definetly agree that dainty is just looks. I asked in tvm for a bolton 12" woofer, and they asked about 1.8k for it :D I guess i can spend a little extra, so was wondering if there was something a little better than that available there :)
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