Passport woes

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Figuring stuff out
Hi all,
I registered for the SAT test dae (nov4 ,06) and it is now that i realise that for Indians to be able to test, they need a valid passport and no other ID will be accepted. so, now i need to get a passport before the above date. i would like to know the probability that i'll be able to get the passport issued by the november test date. I would also like to know if there is a provision of provisional testing too , so that i could get a proof of Identity later.

any info about the practical timeframe to expect for issuance of a passport will b gr8.

waiting for answers........
apply in the tatkal scheme...and go and personally meet the refional PP officer.Explain to him your urgency (show the confirmation mail u got for the SAT) and pray to god.

I was in the same situation for my TOEFL.The PP guys issued me a temporary PP valid for 1yr.
apply in the tatkal scheme...and go and personally meet the refional PP officer.Explain to him your urgency (show the confirmation mail u got for the SAT) and pray to god.
I was in the same situation for my TOEFL.The PP guys issued me a temporary PP valid for 1yr.
Or if you happen to know some minister....get a letter of recommendation.
Also get the police verification done before or when u apply for passport...dont wait for the passport guys to send a letter to the police.
No tatkal wont work until unless u have a written from SDO/DM/District Chief Judge.
they have changed the rules....
what i did is applied for normal passport and provided my SAT details.. and got it within a month or so.. they'll send u before the test date for sure.
just tell them nicely, have ur police verification done as quick as possible from ur locality and give some $$ to the police to send the verified result ASAP to passport regional headquarter.
boom once the verification is recieved u'll get within 7 to 10 days.
x86, I got my passport via tatkal in April. And they did not charge me, total time = 1 week. And they were accepting SAT as a reason. The rules you are talking of are the older ones...
king ji > exxactly what i mean , its not tatkal as in the new case tatkal has its fees and it is only in diff cases.
the ground on which u got ur pp is normal but since its SAT its like tatkal but not purely tatkal.
i have extensively talked with police officers bout this.

its not under tatkal - u wont have to pay fees but time will be tatkal - if u have a valid exam and stuff reason.
tatkal - is diplomatic cases or stuffs but the fees is mandatory and the note from dm/sdo and stuff.
Yes, but it functions the same way. I needed my passport for a visa interview, I got it in a week. I had no problems at all. And they issued a full length passport, (I was renewing my passport to tell you the truth).
tnx for the replies guys !
so i guess i'll have to get the verification done right now ! btw there is a catch, i've been living at my present adress for only 2 months or so,so will they verify the adress i lived at before that too?(they have asked for all the adresses that i've stayed at for the last 1 year).......if that is so,'s going to take even longer.........

btw is there a provision for a temporary passport .......and is it possible to get provisional admission for the SAT, and verify with the passport later ??
dont take hastles.
first passport then sat-toefl - then application (can be done before too) then selection of I20 then applying for visa then saying chow.
Hey the official process is such a load of insider is asking for 9K getting the passport within a week........should i pay? Or should i trust the official channels?
i went thru an agent.. the dude asked 4k , but got my passport within 3 weeks. Not to support bribery etc, but if you want it fast and with minimum hassle , the unnoficial channels are the fastest
Man, I got my passport within a week by regular channels!!! These unofficial channels suck.

My neighbour and sister applied at the same time. My sister got hers within 4 weeks (no tatkal or anything, 6 years ago). My neighbour went through an agent and got her passport after 3 months.... go figure.
friends of mine who applied for passport via regular channes BEFORE me are still waiting :P mebbe youre lucky or know someone there ;)
^^ lol there sure is an element of luck involved there. BTW the passport officer down here was very helpful and i really believe i might get is soon without hassles through the official channel. BTW greenhorn; did ur friend apply via the regular or the tatkal scheme ??
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