The much awaited Need For Speed Carbon PC Patch 1.3 was released today and can be downloaded from the official EA site.
According to the Readme document, the patch addresses the following issues:
* Addresses issue with the online authentication screen
* Allows for consistent use of EA Messenger
* Updates to address a leaderboard issue during Online Pursuit Tag
* Allows for full friend searching functionality
* Updates to address launching issues between XP and 2K
Note that the 1.3 Patch is a requirement for online play.
Official NFSC PC Patch 1.3 Downloads
Installation Notes
I have tested the patch and can verify that it works correctly. If applied correctly the game loading screen will show version 1.3 in the upper right corner as the game loads.
To install the patch, download the file appropriate to your region and game version, then double click the downloaded file. A block 'DOS box' will appear on screen with some text crediting the patch development to Pocket Soft Inc.
Do not close the DOS box manually!
Despite the fact that it does not give any feedback, you will see from your hard disk activity indicator that things are actually happening. The whole process will take around a minute, and then the DOS box will close automatically. At this point, your game is patched.